Results: 7

40 years of immunization in Mozambique: a narrative review of literature, accomplishments, and perspectives

In Mozambique, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was implemented in 1979 with the objective of reducing child mortality and morbidity through the provision of immunization services. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the EPI and review the available information related to immuniz...

Physical activity among women of low socioeconomic status living with HIV in two major cities of Brazil and Mozambique: A cross-sectional comparative study

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVES: Physical activity (PA) may reduce cardiovascular risk and preserve functional capacity of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, only limited research objectively measured PA in patients with low socioeconomic status (SES) in low-income countries, particularly in Sout...

40 years of immunization in Mozambique: a narrative review of literature, accomplishments, and perspectives

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online); 36 (supl.2), 2020
In Mozambique, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was implemented in 1979 with the objective of reducing child mortality and morbidity through the provision of immunization services. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the EPI and review the available information related to immuniz...

Hansen's disease deformities in a high risk area in Mozambique: A case study

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Hansen's disease is no longer a public health problem in Mozambique, since 2008 (incidence under 1 / 10,000 inhabitants). The country is one of the most affected in the world and Nampula province's Murrupula district (incidence 1.7 / 10,000) has a high deformity rate (22% in 2010...

Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology in Portuguese-Speaking Countries: data from the Global Burden of Disease, 1990 to 2016

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (6), 2018
Abstract Background: Portuguese-speaking countries (PSC) share the influence of the Portuguese culture but have socioeconomic development patterns that differ from that of Portugal. Objective: To describe trends in cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality in the PSC between 1990 and 2016, s...

Perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes con cuerpos extraños en el servicio de otorrinolaringología del Hospital Central de Maputo observados de 1983 a 2009

RESUMEN Introducción En los países en desarrollo la problemática de cuerpos extraños (CE) en los Servicios de Otorrinolaringología está mal estudiada, la literatura sobre el tema es escasa. El estudio fue realizado para caracterizar el perfil epidemiológico en pacientes atendidos con CE en el Ser...

Increase in cases of malaria in Mozambique, 2014: epidemic or new endemic pattern?

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the increase in cases of malaria in Mozambique. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted in 2014, in Mozambique with national weekly epidemiological bulletin data. I analyzed the number of recorded cases in the 2009-2013 period, which led to the creation of an endemic ch...