Gallbladder mucocele is characterized by hyperplasia of the gallbladder epithelium, increased mucus production, accumulation, and densification of the bile content, which can lead to biliary obstruction, necrosis, and rupture of the gallbladder wall. Its finding may be accidental or related to symptoms. ...
Los mucoceles son quistes expansivos e indolentes de las cavidades paranasales. A pesar de ser lesiones benignas, tienen potencial destructivo local por su expansión crónica y cambios óseos. Su ubicación más frecuente es frontoetmoidal. Se postula que su origen es por alteración de la vía de drena...
Abstract Introduction A pneumatized turbinate, also called concha bullosa, is a normal anatomical variant of the paranasal sinus region. Depending on the site of pneumatization, the concha is classified into extensive, bulbous or lamellar type. The middle turbinate concha bullosa has been implicated as...
El mucocele es un tumor pseudoquístico poco frecuente en el seno maxilar y una rara complicación de la cirugía ortognática. El caso reportado describe la presentación de un mucocele que afecta parcialmente el seno maxilar y se presenta clínicamente como un tumor nasal. Se trata de una mujer de 44 a...
Mucocele of the appendix is a rare disease. It can be triggered by benign or malignant diseases, which cause the obstruction of the appendix and the consequent accumulation of mucus secretion. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult due to non-specific clinical manifestations of the disease. Imaging test...
Mucocele-like lesions of the breast are uncommon. They where first described by Rosen in 1986. Pathologically, they are defined as mucin filled cysts and extravasated mucin in the adjacent stroma, without inflammatory reaction. We present eight cases of mucocele-like lesions in six patients, emphasizing ...