Results: 2

Tratamiento de la recaída de pacientes pediátricos con leucemia linfoblástica aguda en la Argentina: resultados de un ensayo clínico y una cohorte prospectiva
Treatment of Relapse in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Argentina: Results from a Clinical Trial and a Prospective Cohort

Introducción: desde 2002, el Grupo Argentino para el Tratamiento de la Leucemia Aguda (GATLA) implementa protocolos del grupo Berlín-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM) como tratamiento estándar de las recaídas de la leucemia linfoblástica aguda (LLA). En 2010, el BFM generó el protoco...

Is surgical treatment an option for locally advanced cervical cancer in the presence of central residual tumor after chemoradiotherapy?

Abstract Objective To evaluate the outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with chemoradiotherapy (CRT)-resistant and locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC). Methods Patients with LACC who underwent surgery due to resistance to CRT between 2005 and 2015 were reviewed retrospectively. Disease-free...