Results: 13

Estado mutacional de BRAF y parámetros histopatológicos en melanoma maligno cutáneo
Mutational status of BRAF and histopathological characteristics in cutaneous malignant melanoma

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (4), 2019
El melanoma maligno es la forma más agresiva de cáncer de piel, con una tasa de mortalidad en Argentina 1997-2001 = 1.1/100 000 en varones y 0.6 en mujeres. El proto-oncogén BRAF es foco de intensa investigación, su mutación es uno de los principales promotores tumorales y pueden presentarse en 50% ...

HLA alleles in renal transplant recipients with nonmelanoma skin cancer in southeastern Brazil

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (3), 2019
Abstract: Background: Renal transplant recipients are submitted to immunosuppression to avoid graft rejection, which makes them susceptible to various conditions. Furthermore, these individuals present malignant tumors more frequently than the general population, including nonmelanoma skin cancer. The i...

Tricoepitelioma múltiple familiar: a propósito de un caso
Familial multiple trichoepithelioma: a case report

Rev. chil. dermatol; 35 (3), 2019
El Tricoepitelioma Múltiple Familiar (TMF) constituye una rara enfermedad autosómica dominante, se caracteriza por la aparición de múltiples pápulas color piel, monomorfas, simétricas, ubicadas en la región central de la cara. El diagnóstico es histopatológico, donde se encuentran tr...

Analysis of patients diagnosed with primary cutaneous melanoma in the last six years in Hospital Erasto Gaertner: epidemiologic profile

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Melanoma is one of the conditions with greater increase in incidence worldwide in recent decades. It is a skin cancer with potential high lethality and predominates in Caucasian adults. Treatment of primary cutaneous melanoma is essentially surgical and search for sentinel lymph no...

Hereditary melanoma: a five-year study of Brazilian patients in a cancer referral center - phenotypic characteristics of probands and pathological features of primary tumors

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Approximately five to 10% of all melanomas occur in families with hereditary predisposition and the main high-risk melanoma susceptibility gene is the CDKN2A. OBJECTIVES: To describe, after a five-years study, the clinical data of patients (probands) from familial melanoma kindred...

Síndrome de carcinoma de células basales nevoides (Síndrome Gorlin): reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura

RESUMEN El síndrome Gorlin (SG) es una condición genética, con patrón de herencia autosómico dominante, con penetrancia completa y expresividad variable, debida a mutaciones germinales en los genes PTCH1 o SUFU, los cuales son componentes de la vía molecular Sonic hedgehog. El SG se caracteriza por...

Molecular basis of basal cell carcinoma

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (4), 2017
Abstract: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer, presenting low mortality but high morbidity, and it has as risk factor exposure to sunlight, especially UVB spectrum. The most important constitutional risk factors for basal cell carcinoma development are clear phototypes (I and II, Fitzpatrick c...

Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome: a case report and implications of early onset

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (5,supl.1), 2017
Abstract Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HLRCC) is an autosomal dominant manifestation of cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas together with renal cancer due to autosomal dominant germline mutations of fumarate hydratase gene. A twenty-year-old female patient presented with type-II segmen...

Entendiendo las terapias actuales en melanoma metastásico

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (11), 2016
Cutaneous melanoma is a highly aggressive tumor developing from melanocytes, its incidence is increasing, and prognosis in advanced stages is daunting. New therapies have been approved during the recent years with unprecedented results, including inhibitors of MAPK/ERK pathway and immune checkpoint block...

Multiple cutaneous melanomas associated with gastric and brain metastases

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (5,supl.1), 2016
Abstract The occurrence of multiple primary melanomas in a single individual is rare. Most commonly, malignant melanocytic lesions subsequent to the initial diagnosis of melanoma are secondary cutaneous metastases. We report a patient with gastrointestinal bleeding from gastric metastasis of cutaneous me...