LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 11

Mortalidad por cáncer oral y orofaringeo en Chile entre los años 1955 al 2021

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (10), 2023
INTRODUCCIÓN: El cáncer es una enfermedad que afecta a un gran número de personas a nivel mundial y que genera una gran tasa de mortalidad. El cáncer oral y orofaríngeo es considerado un problema de salud pública, especialmente en países de bajos y medianos ingresos. Para el año 2023, se estima q...

Análise do padrão de recorrência do carcinoma de células escamosas de orofaringe relacionado ao Papiloma Vírus Humano

Introdução: O carcinoma de células escamosas (CEC) de orofaringe associado ao Papiloma vírus humano (HPV) está associado a melhores taxas de resposta ao tratamento, além de melhor prognóstico. Entretanto, observamos que em algumas regiões geográficas, onde a prevalência de CEC de orofaringe rel...

Advanced carcinoma of the oropharynx: survival analysis comparing two treatment modalities

Abstract About 92,000 new cases of oropharynx carcinoma are expected to occur annually worldwide. There is no consensus about the best therapy for these advanced tumors. The objective of the present study was to evaluate overall and disease-free survival rates of patients with advanced oropharynx squamou...

Mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014

J. appl. oral sci; 28 (), 2020
Abstract Oral and oropharyngeal cancer is considered a public health problem in several countries due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Objective: This study aimed to analyze oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014 by age, sex and country region. Methodology: A time...

Survival trends of patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer treated at a cancer center in São Paulo, Brazil

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to estimate the overall survival (OS) and conditional survival (CS) in patients diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and to determine their survival trends. METHODS: The study included all consecutive patients treated at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center f...

Potential years of life lost due to oropharyngeal cancer in Brazil: 1979 to 2013

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the years of life lost by the Brazilian population due to mouth and pharynx cancer from 1979 to 2013, and analyze the temporal trends in the studied period, according to the country's region, sex and anatomical site. METHODS The death records were obtained from the Mort...

Mortality from oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Brazil: impact of the National Oral Health Policy

Abstract: The objective was to investigate if there is an association between the mortality rates due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Brazil and the expansion of access to public primary and specialized dental care services that resulted from the implementation of the National Oral Health Policy, bet...

Influência dos índices socioeconômicos municipais nas taxas de mortalidade por câncer de boca e orofaringe em idosos no estado de São Paulo

RESUMO: Introdução: O câncer de boca e o câncer de orofaringe são doenças influenciadas por fatores socioeconômicos. O risco de desenvolver essas doenças aumenta com a idade, e a maioria dos casos ocorre em idosos, com elevadas taxas de mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influÃ...

Oropharyngeal cancer mortality according to the human development index in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, 2002-2014

J. oral res. (Impresa); 7 (1), 2018
To determine mortality rates for oropharyngeal cancer according to the Human Development Index (HDI) per district in the Metropolitan Region (RM), Santiago, Chile, between 2002 and 2014. Materials and Methods: an ecological study was carried out. The sample corresponded to individuals over 45 years, from...

Bayesian model and spatial analysis of oral and oropharynx cancer mortality in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Abstract The objective of this study was to determine of oral and oropharynx cancer mortality rate and the results were analyzed by applying the Spatial Analysis of Empirical Bayesian Model. To this end, we used the information contained in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), Chapter I...