Results: 40

Presentación inusual de coriocarcinoma metastásico a hígado y pulmón: un reporte de caso

La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional (ETG) es un trastorno proliferativo del trofoblasto. Incluye la mola hidatidiforme, el coriocarcinoma, la mola invasiva, el tumor trofoblástico del lecho placentario y el tumor trofoblástico epitelioide. Las últimas cuatro hacen parte de la neoplasia trofoblás...

Angioleiomioma uterino: a propósito de un caso

Resumen El angioleiomioma es un tumor benigno perivascular que raramente se localiza en el útero. Se expone el caso de un angioleiomioma de gran tamaño en una mujer de 30 años con sangrado menstrual abundante y masa abdominal palpable. La paciente fue sometida a miomectomía y diagnosticada de angiole...

Accuracy of Transvaginal Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Intrauterine Lesions

Abstract Objective To evaluate the accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions, using hysteroscopy as the gold standard. Methods This was a prospective observational study with 307 patients. All patients underwent hysteroscopy after a previous transvaginal ultrasound ...

Malignant uterine neoplasms attended at a brazilian regional hospital: 16-years profile and time elapsed for diagnosis and treatment

Abstract Objective The present study aims to evaluate the profile of endometrial carcinomas and uterine sarcomas attended in a Brazilian cancer center in the period from 2001 to 2016 and to analyze the impact of time elapsed fromsymptoms to diagnoses or treatment in cancer stage and survival. Methods ...

Does big mean evil? Giant, but benign uterine leiomyoma: case report and review of the literature

Abstract Uterine leiomyoma is themost prevalent benign type of gynecological tumor. It affects more than 80% of women worldwide and, within this group, more than 50% may be asymptomatic. However, large fibroid volumes may be associated with symptoms of extrinsic compression, and most of the cases do not ...

Evaluation of KI-67 expression in uterine leiomyoma and in healthy myometrium: a pilot study

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Evaluate the expression of KI-67 in uterine leiomyomas and adjacent myometrial tissue and verify the existence of a correlation between clinical parameters and KI-67 expression in tumors. METHODS This is a cross-sectional, controlled, analytical study. Samples of leiomyomas and myom...

Leiomioma como simulador de neoplasia maligna uterina: reporte de un caso

RESUMEN El cáncer de mama puede originar de forma muy excepcional metástasis en órganos genitales. Estas suelen presentarse de forma asintomática siendo su diagnóstico generalmente tardío. En el estudio de la enfermedad diseminada la tomografía de emisión de positrones con fluordeoxiglucosa asoci...

Pulmonary benign metastasizing leiomyoma presenting as small, diffuse nodules

J. bras. pneumol; 45 (4), 2019

Differential expression, diagnostic and prognostic significance of stathmin-1 and CD147 in various uterine smooth muscle tumors

Int. j. morphol; 37 (1), 2019
SUMMARY: Uterine smooth muscle tumors (USMT) are common, behavior-distinct gynecological tumors; including: leiomyoma (ULM), leiomyosarcoma (ULMS), and smooth muscle tumors of undetermined malignant potential (STUMP). Pre-operative distinction is difficult, thus diagnosis relies on histopathology. Immuno...

Frozen section in the management of ovarian and uterine tumors: the past 5 years in a tertiary centre

Abstract Objective Intraoperative frozen section (IFS) is a valuable resource, and its use in gynecological pathology has not been sufficiently emphasized. The main goal of the present study is to evaluate the reliability and agreement rates between IFS and the final paraffin section (PS) and determine...