Results: 4

Rol del virus papiloma humano en cabeza y cuello

Resumen El virus papiloma humano (VPH) es un virus de ADN circular doble hebra con alrededor de 200 genotipos. Este virus se relaciona a distintas lesiones tumorales que afectan cabeza y cuello, incluyendo lesiones malignas escamosas causadas por genotipos de alto riesgo como VPH-16 y VPH-18. Esta revisi...

Supervivencia de cirugía de rescate en carcinoma escamoso de orofaringe

La recurrencia de carcinoma de células escamosas orofaríngeo (CCEOF) se asocia a mal pronóstico, particularmente en recurrencias en etapa avanzada. La cirugía en el contexto de rescate es más complicada por el tratamiento oncológico del tumor primario, por lo tanto, tiene un mayor riesgo de complic...

Alterations in the expression and activity of extracellular matrix components in HPV-associated infections and diseases

Clinics; 73 (supl.1), 2018
Infection with human papillomaviruses is associated with a series of benign and malignant hyperproliferative diseases that impose a heavy burden on human populations. A subgroup of mucosal human papillomavirus types are associated with the majority of cervical cancers and a relevant fraction of vulvar, v...

p16INK 4a and Ki-67 expression in human papilloma virus-related head and neck mucosal lesions

Invest. clín; 56 (1), 2015
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is postulated as a risk factor in the etiology of some specific mucosal pathologies in the head and neck regions. Despite the frequent use of p16INK4a as a surrogate marker for HPV-infection, there is still controversy with respect to its reliability. This study has been under...