Results: 37

Identification of potential urinary protein biomarkers in colorectal cancer: a pilot study using a proteomic approach

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the most diagnosed malignancies worldwide, and it is also the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Despite recent progress in screening programs, noninvasive accurate biomarkers are still needed in the CRC field. In this study, we evaluated and compared the urin...

Lipoma de recto prolapsado e incarcerado: caso clínico y análisis de la literatura

Cir. Urug; 7 (1), 2023
Los lipomas colónicos son tumores benignos poco frecuentes, extremadamente raros a nivel rectal. A pesar de ello, ocupan el segundo lugar en frecuencia detrás de los pólipos adenomatosos. Aunque la mayoría de los lipomas colorrectales son asintomáticos y se descubren incidentalmente, en ocasiones pu...

Estudo randomizado, aberto, utilizando protetor cutâneo em spray à base de terpolímero acrílico versus hidratante padrão na prevenção de radiodermatite aguda em pacientes com câncer de canal anal e reto
An open randomized study using a skin protector spray made of acrylic terpolymers versus and standardized moisturizer in preventing acute radiodermatitis in patients with anal and rectal cancer

Pacientes com câncer de canal anal e reto em tratamento por radioterapia apresentam alta prevalência de radiodermatite com descamação úmida, desfecho que causa impactos clínicos, econômicos e sociais. Estudos sobre a efetividade de produtos na prevenção das radiodermatites representam uma lacuna...

Pattern of rectal cancer recurrence following potentially curative surgical treatment

Survival in rectal cancer has been related mainly to clinical and pathological staging. Recurrence is the most challenging issue when surgical treatment of rectal cancer is concerned. This study aims to establish a recurrence pattern for rectal adenocarcinoma submitted to surgical treatment between June ...

Diagnosis of advanced disease in cases of colorectal cancer in a developing country

Objectives Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death in the world, with survival correlated with the extension of the disease at diagnosis. In many low-/middle-income countries, the incidence of CRC is increasing rapidly, while decreasing rates are observed in high-income count...

Caracterización de enfermos operados de cáncer rectal. Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández
Characterization of patients operated of rectal cancer. Teaching Clinic-Surgical Hospital Faustino Pérez Hernández

Rev. medica electron; 43 (6), 2021
RESUMEN Introducción: el cáncer de recto se considera una de las neoplasias más frecuentes del siglo XXI, con elevada mortalidad. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes operados de cáncer rectal en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas, entr...

Perianastomotic cyst following rectosigmoidectomy due to adenocarcinoma of the proximal rectum: a case report

ABSTRACT The implantation cyst occurs from the imprisonment and subsequent proliferation of the colonic mucosa below the submucosa during mechanical stapling. The understanding and definition of the evaluation protocol of these lesions is important, since they can generate the need for a new complex surg...

A rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumor - a plea for neoadjuvant imatinib and TAMIS

Abstract Here we describe an infrequent case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the rectum in a 57 year-old man with spindle cell neoplasm probably gastrointestinal stromal tumor and CT scan showed tumor from the anterior rectal wall and offered abdominoperineal resection for the same. The patient was ...