Results: 18

Ecografía para prevenir lesiones del nervio sural en la reparación del tendón de Aquiles. Estudio cadavérico
Ultrasound to prevent sural nerve injury in Achilles tendon repair. A cadaveric study

Introducción: Las técnicas mínimamente invasivas son las preferidas para tratar las roturas agudas del tendón de Aquiles. Representan una opción para evitar las complicaciones tegumentarias, y la lesión del nervio sural es uno de sus principales problemas. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar ...

Avaliação da termoablação com endolaser da veia safena parva com anestesia local

Resumo Contexto Na insuficiência venosa crônica (IVC), a veia safena parva (VSP) é afetada em 15% dos casos. A cirurgia convencional é a técnica padrão para o tratamento da insuficiência da VSP, sendo a lesão no nervo sural uma complicação bastante temida. O tratamento de termoablação com en...

Schwannomatosis del nervio plantar interno. Presentación de caso
Schwannomatosis of the internal plantar nerve. Case presentation

Rev. argent. neurocir; 33 (4), 2019
Introducción: Las Schwannomatosis Mononeurales de los Miembros son entidades muy poco frecuentes, escasamente conocidas y raramente publicadas en la bibliografía internacional, éstas se encuentran caracterizadas por la existencia de múltiples formaciones nodulares o plexiformes con compromiso exclusi...

Dexmedetomidine attenuates P2X4 and NLRP3 expression in the spine of rats with diabetic neuropathic pain

Acta cir. bras; 34 (11), 2019
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effects of Dexmedetomidine (Dex) on spinal pathology and inflammatory factor in a rat model of Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP). Methods: The rats were divided into 3 groups (eight in each group): normal group (N group), diabetic neuropathic pain model group (DNP group)...

Lower Limb Reconstruction - Fasciocutaneous Sural Flap

Abstract Objective The present study aims to evaluate the use of the reverse-flow sural fasciocutaneous flap to cover lesions in the distal third of the lower limb. Methods A total of 24 cases were analyzed, including 20 traumatic injuries, 3 sports injuries, and 1 case of tumor resection. Results ...

A possible role of endoneurial fibroblast-like cells in the resolution of endoneurial oedema following nerve crush injury

Int. j. morphol; 37 (1), 2019
SUMMARY: Endoneurial oedema is a salient feature of all types of neuropathy. Its elimination is crucial during the complications of nerve recovery. The objective was to study a possible role of the endoneurial fibroblasts in the resolution of nerve edema. Forty-two albino male rats aged between 30 and 40...

Avaliação crítica das técnicas cirúrgicas de correção do equino

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 46 (1), 2019
RESUMO A deformidade em equino leva a diversos transtornos da marcha, ao causar alterações no apoio do pé e afetar regiões anatômicas mais distantes, como o joelho, quadril e tronco. Geralmente é secundária à retração, encurtamento ou espasticidade do tríceps sural, de modo que algumas interve...

Caso Clínico: Cirugía Reconstructiva de Tobillo

INTRODUCCIÓN: La diabetes mellitus es un importante problema de salud pública, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, 422 millones de adultos en todo el mundo en 2014. En 2012 provocó 1.5 millones de muertes a nivel mundial; es la primera causa de amputación no traumática en miembros inferiore...

Endoscopic Sural Nerve Removal in Obstetric Brachial Plexopathy Using Basic Endoscopy Instruments: Technical Note

Arq. bras. neurocir; 36 (2), 2017
Introduction The sural nerve (SN) is commonly used for grafting following resection of a neuroma-in-continuity in neonatal brachial plexus lesions (NBPL). The main drawbacks of the current open techniques are large scars and contractures in the late postoperative stage, which may, in severe cases, cause ...

Hind limb sensory innervation in rats: comparison between sural and saphenous nerve morphometry

Int. j. morphol; 33 (2), 2015
Although numerous studies investigate sensory recovery of the hind paw of the rat after nerve damage, still no comprehensive overview of its normal innervation is present in the literature. We investigated the morphometry of myelinated fibers in the sural and saphenous nerves and analyzed their size dist...