Results: 6

Hemi Le Fort III Fracture with Subdural and Subarachnoid Pneumocephalus with a Mild Mount Fuji Sign

ABSTRACT: Extensive fractures in the fixed facial skeleton combined with traumatic brain injury can cause functional and esthetic impairments, possibly threatening the patient's life. Male patient, 50-year-old, victim of physical aggression, presented with persistent headache and dizziness, fractures in ...

Post-traumatic Tension Pneumoventricle: Case Report

Arq. bras. neurocir; 37 (3), 2018
Pneumoventricle and liquoric fistula are possible complications of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the main cause of morbimortality related to trauma in Brazil. Liquoric fistulae are more common after direct trauma with skull base fractures. However, pneumoventricle is rare and occurs due to excessive cere...

Tension pneumocephalus and rhinorrhea related to chronic sinusitis

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 71 (4), 2013

Neumoencéfalos: etiología: significado patológico y diagnóstico: a propósito de 4 observaciones
Pneumocephalus: etiology: pathological and diagnostic significance: apropos of 4 observations

Rev. cuba. cir; 39 (1), 2000
Se presentan 4 pacientes con neumoencéfalos atendidos en el Hospital General Docente "Agostinho Neto" de Guantánamo a lo largo de 6 años. Todos eran varones con una edad media de 38,2 años. La causa más frecuente fue de origen traumático, presente en 3 pacientes para el 75 porciento. La disminució...