Results: 7

Entre exiliados y nativos: la integración de saberes de españoles y mexicanos para el desarrollo de la neurología en México, 1935-1950

Resumen Entre 1935 y 1950 aconteció la introducción y desarrollo de la neurología en México. Esto se dio por medio de dos vías: el arribo de los neurocientíficos españoles a México tras su exilio provocado por la Guerra Civil; y la presencia de médicos mexicanos que salieron a especializarse en ...

France’s “année terrible” of the Franco-Prussian War and Paris Commune, 150 years ago, and some remarkable neurologists at the time

Rev. bras. neurol; 55 (4), 2019
Franco-Prussian War started 150 years ago, and it was a short but a tragic turning point to France as a whole, but also a challenging moment for medicine and some outstanding French neurologists. Besides, a new continental European power emerged, consolidating German as a united state. Two Parisian sieg...

Neurological signs described at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: connecting the past to the future

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (10), 2019
ABSTRACT The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) is one of the pillars of Brazilian Medicine and, in Neurology, has always shown prominence, with notable professors such as Antônio Austregésilo and Deolindo Couto. Historically, practitioners of the UFRJ Medical School have discovered neurologic...

Guillain, Barraquer and I

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 76 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT The year 2016 was the centennial anniversary of the recognition of the Guillain-Barré syndrome, which was first described by George Guillain, Jean-Alexandre Barré and André Strohl. In celebration of the centennial, this historical review describes aspects of the contributions of Guillain and ...

Augusta Marie Déjerine-Klumpke: much more than just Déjerine's wife

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 76 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Augusta Marie Déjerine-Klumpke (1859-1927) was a formidable neurologist, neuroanatomist and researcher in France. One of the first women to be accepted for medical internship, externship and research in Paris, Augusta made her name studying and teaching anatomy, histology and dissection, attend...

Charcot's irony and sarcasm

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (6), 2017
ABSTRACT Jean-Martin Charcot is considered the father of modern neurology and was the first neurologist to hold a professorship of international stature devoted to the study of the diseases of the nervous system. His biographers paint an image of an austere presence, reserved manner, shyness, economy of ...