Results: 3

Trigeminal Neuralgia Caused by Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors: Surgical Series

Arq. bras. neurocir; 38 (1), 2019
Introduction Cerebellopontine angle (CPA) tumors represent an important cause of persistent and refractory trigeminal neuralgia (TN). It is believed that between 1 and 9.9% of the cases of patients presenting with TN painful manifestation are caused by space-occupying lesions. Objective The objective of...

Alternative option for osteogenesis imperfecta and trigeminal neuralgia

Summary Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a bone disorder that can lead to skull base deformities such as basilar invagination, which can cause compression of cranial nerves, including the trigeminal nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia in such cases remains a challenge, given distorted anatomy and deformities. We ...

Radiología simple en la microcompresión del ganglio de Gasser. Un método alternativo y económico
Simple radiology in the microcompressión of Gasserian ganglion. An alternative and economic method

Rev. cuba. cir; 42 (1), 2003
Considerado uno de los dolores más intensos que puede soportar el ser humano, la neuralgia trigeminal ha sido tratada con innumerables métodos. Entre ellos, los percutáneos surgieron como variantes poco agresivas e igualmente eficaces que aquellos métodos a cielo abierto. El más reciente de los mét...