El nevus epidérmico verrucoso inflamatorio lineal (NEVIL) es un tipo de nevus epidérmico queratinocítico, poco frecuente, de aparición predominante en la infancia, con preponderancia sobre el sexo femenino. Se caracteriza por la presencia de pápulas eritematosas descamativas de aspecto psoriasiforme...
Abstract Nevus sebaceous is the most common type of organoid epidermal nevus, often located on the face, following the Blaschko's lines and with alterations in the ipsilateral central nervous system. Distinct disorders can be distinguished by the type of association with epidermal nevus. Schimmelpenning-...
Introducción: El siringocistoadenoma papilífero (SP) es un tumor anexial benigno inusual, de etiología desconocida. Por lo general, se presenta desde el nacimiento, o en la primera infancia como una lesión aislada, frecuentemente asociada a un nevo sebáceo de Jadassohn. Objetivo: Describir y analiza...
Abstract: Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and linear psoriasis are sometimes hard to differentiate clinically and pathologically. Although immunohistochemical expression of keratin 10 (K10), K16, Ki-67, and involucrin may be useful for differentiating both entities, these results have been ...
Abstract Woolly hair nevus is a rare condition characterized by a structural anomaly of the hair, restricted to certain areas of the scalp. The hair becomes coiled and slightly hypopigmented. The term woolly hair refers to changes that affect all the scalp and has a hereditary character. We present a cas...
Abstract Verrucous epidermal nevi are hamartomatous lesions of the epidermis that, unlike other epidermal nevi (such as sebaceous nevus or nevus comedonicus), are rarely associated with malignant neoplasms. The majority of squamous cell carcinoma develop in linear or multiple epidermal nevus and rarely i...