Abstract Introduction Nasal congestion and obstruction are reported in the majority of continuous positive airway pressure users and are frequently cited as reasons for noncompliance. Baseline inflammation due to allergic rhinitis could increase or exacerbate the inflammatory effect of high airflow in t...
Resumo Introdução: A apneia obstrutiva do sono é o tipo mais comum de apneia do sono, causada por obstrução completa ou parcial da via aérea superior. A obstrução nasal também é considerada como um dos fatores de risco independentes da apneia obstrutiva do sono. Objetivo: Avaliar pacientes co...
Abstract Introduction The types of allergic rhinitis are roughly classified based on the causative antigens, disease types, predilection time, and symptom severity. Objective To examine the clinical typing and individualized treatment approach for allergic rhinitis and to determine the optimal treatmen...
Abstract Introduction Allergic rhinitis is associated with several complications, including sleep disorders. The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire has been recently translated and validated in Portuguese for the evaluation of sleep disorders in children. Objective To assess sleep disorders in child...