Results: 4

Intervención del enfermero intensivista ante un paciente con atelectasia. Reporte de un caso
The intervention of the intensive care nurse in front of a patient with atelectasis. A case report

Rev. medica electron; 40 (6), 2018
RESUMEN En la aspiración por cuerpo extraño en vías respiratoria, los síntomas van desde el paro cardiorrespiratorio, tos de intensidad y características variables como obstrucción bronquial difusa o localizada. Como complicación puede aparecer la neumonía y atelectasias. La atelectasia es el col...

Correlation between obstructive apnea syndrome and difficult airway in ENT surgery

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 68 (6), 2018
Abstract Introduction: ENT patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome have a tendency of collapsing the upper airways in addition to anatomical obstacles. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is related to the increased risk of difficult airway and also increased perioperative complications. In order to...

Estridor persistente

Stridor is a musical, often high-pitched sound produced by a rapid, turbulent flow of air through a narrowed segment of the large airways. The cause of stridor can be located anywhere in the extrathoracic airway (nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea) or the intrathoracic airway (tracheobronchial tree). Str...

Upper airway morphology in Down Syndrome patients under dexmedetomidine sedation

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 66 (4), 2016
Abstract Background and objectives: Children with Down Syndrome are vulnerable to significant upper airway obstruction due to relative macroglossia and dynamic airway collapse. The objective of this study was to compare the upper airway dimensions of children with Down Syndrome and obstructive sleep apn...