Results: 9

Bioética en donantes en asistolia controlada

Rev. méd. Urug; 39 (3), 2023
Las campañas de prevención y promoción de salud, así como los avances en las medidas terapéuticas destinadas a los pacientes neurocríticos, han logrado reducir la incidencia de pacientes con injuria encefálica aguda (IEA) que evolucionan a la muerte encefálica (ME). Sin embargo, en la mayoría de...

Ethical dilemmas and principles in organ transplantation in China

Acta bioeth; 27 (2), 2021
Abstract In medical clinical practice, organ transplantation is mainly applied to patients with end-stage organ lesions and organ failure. However, with the development of organ transplantation, many ethical issues and controversies have arisen. From the perspective of bioethics, the article compares the...

Presumed consent for organ donation: an incoherent justification

Acta bioeth; 27 (1), 2021
Abstract: 15. The difference between supply and demand of transplantable organs is a global problem, and one of the most discussed measures aiming to solve it is the implementation of a presumed consent (opt-out) policy in cadaveric organ donation. This type of system is controversial when it comes to it...

La donación de órganos y el veto familiar. Razones bioéticas para un cambio

Cases of next-of-kin veto, i.e., a family refusal to allow organs harvest contrary to donor wishes or when the law presumes consent, is a widespread practice that seriously harms thousands of people. This is a practice settled in many countries Family refusal to donate reduces an already shallow donor po...

Born to donate: proposals for "savior sibling" regulation in Latin America

Colomb. med; 49 (3), 2018
Abstract A Savior Sibling is a child who is born to provide an organ, bone marrow or cell transplant, to a sibling that is affected with a fatal disease. There are created with the in vitro fertilization and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and, in the process, the ethical standards for organ donation...

Transparencia y trasplantes: ¿es posible? Dilemas bioéticos de la adjudicación de órganos

Acta bioeth; 23 (2), 2017
Resumen: 13. La falta de información sobre cómo se administran las listas de espera y se distribuyen recursos escasos es frecuente en todas las áreas de la medicina. Sin embargo, es en materia de trasplante de órganos donde la ausencia de transparencia y percepción de injusticia derivada genera mayo...

Reproducción asistida. Noción filosófica de la paternidad ¿Qué se privilegia en cada caso? anonimato y donación de gametas
Assisted reproduction. Philosophical notion of paternity. What is privileged in each case? anonymity and donation of gametes

Declaración de Estambul en relación al tráfico de órganos y turismo en trasplante

Rev. méd. Chile; 137 (8), 2009
This is a translation into Spanish, done by Mario Uribe, M.D., F.A.C.S., and authorized by the Conference Organization, of the official statements signed by The Transplantation Society, The International Society of Nephrology and the representatives who participated at a WHO sponsored Conference held in ...