Results: 45

Epileptogénesis y corteza piriforme: entendiendo a la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal más allá del hipocampo
Epileptogenesis and the piriform cortex: understanding temporal lobe epilepsy beyond the hippocampus

Acta neurol. colomb; 39 (3), 2023
Introducción: Con la experiencia de los registros electroencefalográficos invasivos y el fracaso quirúrgico después de la cirugía, se ha hecho evidente que la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal es mucho más compleja de lo que se creía, y en la actualidad es considerada una enfermedad de redes anatomof...

OLFATO: forma más antigua de comunicación y sentido preciso que el otorrinolaringólogo debe conocer a profundidad

Introducción: el papel clave del olfato, antiguo sistema sensorial, es proporcionar información sobre las sustancias químicas en el medio ambiente. El olfato desempeña un papel en la detección de compuestos peligrosos, el mantenimiento de la nutrición, el comportamiento interpersonal, la salud neur...

Physicochemical characterization and consumer preference of rice (Oryza sativa) varieties grown in Costa Rica

Arch. latinoam. nutr; 72 (3), 2022
Introduction: Rice is a staple food in Costa Rica representing almost 24 % of the total calorie intake in the diet. Consumers have become more quality conscious about the rice consumed, so producers need to focus on the quality of rice along with production. Objective: The aim of this study was to invest...

Evaluación del olfato en pacientes operados por adenoma hipofisario con acceso transesfenoidal en el Instituto de Neurocirugía Dr. Asenjo

Introducción: El olfato tiene una gran importancia en la calidad de vida. Los accesos quirúrgicos selares pueden realizarse por vía transcraneal, transeptal y transnasal, y pueden generar hiposmia al incluir resecciones que afectan a la mucosa olfatoria. Objetivo: Determinar la existencia de alteraci...

The predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) does not respond for volatiles of maize infested by Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae)

Braz. j. biol; 82 (), 2022
Among the plants defense mechanisms, the induction and emission of volatile organic compounds, which can be used to attract natural enemies, such predators insects. Although well studied, the induction of plant volatiles that attract natural enemies can vary according to intensity of infestation of herbi...

Cytoarchitecture of the medial nucleus of trapezoid body of three neotropical species of bats (Noctilio leporinus, Phyllostomus hastatus, and Carollia perspicillata) with different foraging behavior

Braz. j. biol; 81 (4), 2021
Abstract The present study was taken to test the hypothesis that the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) of echolocating neotropical bats with different foraging behavior will exhibit morphological variations in relative size, degree of complexity and spatial distribution. The brains were collect...

Possible effects of low testosterone levels on olfactory function in males

Abstract Introduction: Functions attributed to androgens have increased, ranging from the role in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and reproductive behaviors to modulation of cognition, mood and some other functions. Sex differences and changes in circulating sex hormones affect human sensory functio...

Olfactory impairment and the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults: a meta-analysis

Abstract Introduction The prediction of the impact of olfactory impairment on cognitive decline in older adults has been different among different age groups. Objective This meta-analysis sought to estimate the predictive power of olfactory impairment on cognitive decline during follow-up in older adul...