Results: 2

Origanum vulgare essential oil and carvacrol: natural alternatives against resistant bacteria

Bacteria that are resistant to several antibiotics are a serious One Health problem, as new alternatives for treatment do not appear at the same speed. Thus, the aim of this work was to carry out a survey of studies involving the activity of the essential oil of O. vulgare and its isolated compound carva...

Extracción, caracterización y actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial de plectranthus amboinicus L
Extraction, characterization and antioxidant activity of essential oil from plectranthus amboinicus L

Rev. cuba. farm; 49 (4), 2015
Objetivo: extraer, caracterizar y determinar la actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial de orégano francés (Plectranthus amboinicus L) cultivado en la zona norte del departamento de Bolívar, Colombia. Método: el aceite esencial se obtuvo por hidrodestilación e hidrodestilación asistida por radia...