Results: 45

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Gastroenterol. latinoam; 35 (2), 2024
Cold resection of colonic polyps is an important tool that reduces the incidence of colon cancer. Cold loop polypectomy is a safe and effective technique in colonic lesions smaller than 10 mm and cold mucosectomy with submucosal injection is a growing technique for the resection of non-pedunculated lesio...

Estrategias para mejorar la tasa de detección de adenomas y pólipos serrados durante una colonoscopia

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 35 (2), 2024
Adenoma detection rate (ADR) is a key quality indicator in screening colonoscopy, closely linked to colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention. Currently, the minimum recommended ADR is > 30% with an aspirational goal of > 35%; and the sessile serrated lesion detection rate (SSLDR) minimum is > 7% with an aspira...

Serrated polyposis syndrome: a literature review

Serrated polyposis syndrome is considered the most prevalent colonic polyposis syndrome in the world. Its importance has been increasingly discussed due to the significant increase in the risk of developing colorectal cancer in its affected individuals, similarly to other well-known polyposis syndromes, ...

Prognostic roles and survival benefits of endoscopic resection versus surgical resection in the management of malignant colon polyps

Background: Due to few sufficient data regarding the comparison between endoscopic and surgical resection of malignant colorectal polyps regarding outcomes and survival benefits, there are no clear guidelines of management strategies of malignant colorectal polyps. The aims of the present study were to c...

Caracterización clínica y epidemiológica de los pacientes con cáncer de colon
Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients with colon cancer

Cambios rev med; 21 (2), 2022
INTRODUCCIÓN. El cáncer de colon es una neoplasia del tubo digestivo considerada una de las más frecuentes en ambos sexos y que predomina en adultos mayores. OBJETIVO. Describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con cáncer de colon. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio obse...

Sporadic rectocolic polyps prevalence and management

Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of polyps and their treatments. Materials and Method: This is a retrospective study conducted in our department over 20 years and 3 months between January 2000 and March 2021. All patients with colorectal polyps who underwent endoscopic resection were included. We ev...

Caracterización clínica, endoscópica, e histológica de pacientes pediátricos con pólipos colorectales atendidos en el Centro de Enfermedades Digestivas y el IHSS-HRN de 2021-2022
Clinical, endoscopic, and histological characterization of pediatric patients with colorectal polyps attended at the center for digestive diseases and the IHSS-HRN from 2021-2022

Acta pediátr. hondu; 13 (1), 2022
Antecedentes: Los pólipos colorrectales son la causa más frecuente de hemorragia de tubo digestivo bajo no anemizante. Se presen- ta en el 3-4% de la población menor de 21 años. Objetivo: Describir las características clíni- cas, endoscópicas e histológicas de los pacien- tes pediátricos con pó...

Factores de riesgo asociados a sepsis neonatal en pacientes en cuidados mínimos, de la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales
Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis in minimum care, in the neonatal intensive care unith

Acta pediátr. hondu; 13 (1), 2022
Antecedentes: La sepsis neonatal representa un desa- fío para los Servicios de Neonatología en el mundo, a pesar de los avances en estudios diagnósticos y te- rapia antimicrobiana, más del 46% de las muertes en menores de 5 años corresponden al periodo neo- natal, y dentro de ese porcentaje 15% es p...

Primary adenocarcinoma at colostomy site: report of a clinical case

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer in the United States and it is found in 17% of patients thought to have complicated diverticular disease. However, primary adenocarcinoma rarely occur in the colostomy site and the risk of developing malignancy is similar to that of a...

Resultados del primer ensayo clínico aleatorizado de tamizaje de cáncer de colon con colonoscopía