Results: 3

Low-dose paclitaxel modulates the cross talk between the JNK and Smad signaling in primary biliary fibroblasts

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the molecular mechanism underlying the occurrence of benign bile duct stricture and the target of low-dose paclitaxel in the prevention of benign bile duct stricture. METHODS: Under the stimulation of transforming growth factor beta 1, the e...

Investigation of effect of paclitaxel on netrin 1 and factor 8 in Ehrlich solid tumors

Int. j. morphol; 39 (2), 2021
SUMMARY: Cancer known as a malignant tumor, is a class of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. The Ehrlich tumor is a mammary adenocarcinoma of mice developed in solid and ascitic forms. This study was aimed to investigate the effects ...

Uso combinado de sinvastatina e paclitaxel associado à nanoemulsão lipídica no tratamento do câncer

Uma nova alternativa para o tratamento do câncer foi proposta em estudos anteriores, consistindo no uso de uma nanoemulsão lipídica como transportadora de agentes quimioterápicos às células neoplásicas. A redução da toxicidade da quimioterapia promovida pelo direcionamento específico de quimiot...