Results: 14

Do automotive window films affect drivers' safety by decreasing vision sensitivity? A Cross-sectional study

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 81 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To measure visual acuity in high contrast and low contrast sensitivities in different grades of visible light transmission films in three different positions (front, lateral and rear windows). Methods: Forty-four healthy volunteers between 30-75 y-o, with BCVA better than 0,5, were ...

Spatial incompatibility training can prevent the occurrence of the enhanced Simon effect in elderly

The Simon effect is typically larger for older people than for young adults, maybe due to age-related decline in inhibitory capabilities. 32 right-handed aged people (5 male, 27 female; mean of 67,1 years ± 5,5) participated in this study. In screening were used the Mini-Mental State Examination and the...

Conceitos básicos de percepção de cena

Ciênc. cogn; 26 (2), 2021
A pesquisa sobre percepção de cenas é um esforço da comunidade científica em superar as dificuldades apresentadas ao estudo de estímulos complexos. As consistentes descobertas provaram a viabilidade do tema e encorajam uma abordagem mais holística e integrada nas investigações em percepção ...

Evaluation of subjective vertical perception among stroke patients: a systematic review

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 79 (11), 2021
Abstract Background: Verticality misperception is relatively common among patients after stroke, and it may be evaluated in terms of (a) subjective visual vertical (SVV), (b) subjective haptic vertical (SHV) and (c) subjective postural vertical (SPV). To better understand these assessment methods, we co...

Percepção auditiva e orientação e mobilidade em pessoas com deficiência visual usuárias de cão-guia

Audiol., Commun. res; 25 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar a percepção auditiva temporal, a orientação e a mobilidade de deficientes visuais. Métodos Estudo exploratório de intervenção, com amostra de conveniência composta por nove sujeitos cegos ou com baixa visão, com idades entre 23 e 64 anos, usuários de cão-guia e qu...

Desenvolvimento e validação de medidas psicofísicas de sensibilidade ao contraste de segunda-ordem

Psico (Porto Alegre); 51 (4), 2020
A medida de Sensibilidade ao Contraste (SC) de primeira ordem é frequentemente utilizada para avaliação da percepção espacial. Nosso objetivo foi desenvolver e validar um teste de SC de segunda ordem para aplicação clínica. Modificações metodológicas foram realizadas na rotina psicofísica par...

Egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in healthy aging: performance on real-world tasks

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 52 (4), 2019
Although normal aging has been related to several cognitive difficulties, other processes have been studied less, such as spatial memory. Our aim was to compare egocentric and allocentric memory in an elderly population using ecological tasks. Twenty-eight cognitively unimpaired participants performed Eg...

Categorización de los objetos que forman parte del Extended Self, y sus discursos asociados

Univ. psychol; 17 (2), 2018
Resumen La personalización del espacio se construye con las claves que el propietario distribuye en el espacio. Estas claves, mayoritariamente objetos, forman parte del Extended Self. Para comprobar si existe un discurso diferenciado según la categoría a la que pertenecen los objetos de los dormitori...

Attention, memory, visuoconstructive, and executive task performance in adolescents with anxiety disorders: a case-control community study

Abstract Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess children and adolescents with mild and severe anxiety disorders for their performance in attention, verbal episodic memory, working memory, visuoconstructive skills, executive functions, and cognitive global functioning and conduct comparati...

Subjective visual vertical with the bucket method in Brazilian healthy individuals

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The capacity of a healthy individual to estimate the true vertical in relation to the Earth when a fluorescent line is aligned in a completely dark room is called the subjective visual vertical. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate subjective visual vertical using the bucket method in health...