Em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus (DM) o reparo tecidual cutâneo
atrasado representa um desafio para o sistema de saúde. Evidências recentes
mostram o potencial da fotobiomodulação (PBM, do inglês, photobiomodulation)
em induzir a diferenciação de células-tronco em múltiplos tecidos. Os peri...
We performed autopsies on two cases of COVID-19. The microcirculations of all organs were the site of the pathological findings. Thrombotic microangiopathy was found in the brain and also the kidneys. Vasculitis was also a feature of the autopsy findings, together with portal triaditis of the liver. The ...
Cisplatin is an antineoplastic agent with neuropathy as one of its major side effect. However, effective treatment is lacking. Increasing evidence suggests that cisplatin might damage nerve capillaries leading to impaired functions of blood-nerve barrier (BNB) and neuropathy. This study was aimed to exam...
Hemangiopericitomas são tumores raros originados a partir da proliferação de pericitos, ou seja, células que envolvem os capilares. São encontrados em ossos, pulmões, crânio, partes moles profundas ou membros inferiores, principalmente na coxa. É considerado um tumor com potencial de malignidade ...