Results: 735

Factores relacionados con la supervivencia en una cohorte de pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica grave a largo plazo: relación con la capacidad aeróbica

Introducción: Sólo Oga et al. (AJRCCM 2003) relacionaron supervivencia y capacidad aeróbica en pacientes EPOC, pero en hombres y seguimiento a 5 años. Objetivos: Evaluar la supervivencia de una cohorte de pacientes EPOC grave según el consumo de oxígeno pico (VO2p) ajustado al peso. Material y Mét...

Etoposide Model-Induced Changes in Antioxidant Studies Histological and Ultrastructural Evaluations of Hepatic, Renal, and Cardiac Tissues of Male Rats

Int. j. morphol; 42 (3), 2024
SUMMARY: Etoposide is an effective antimitotic and antineoplastic agent used to treat various human malignancies. In the present study, Etoposide was injected intraperitoneally into the rats at 1 mg/kg/day for 52 days (52 doses). The control animals received physiological saline (0.5 ml) intraperitoneall...

Anthropometric Characteristics, Body Composition and Nutritional Status of Younger Primary School Children in Montenegro: National Study

Int. j. morphol; 42 (2), 2024
SUMMARY: This article has two aims: (a) first aim was to determine what is the most applicable and the simplest alternative for recommended BMI categories for underweight, overweight and obesity related to IOTF references, from the practical standpoint; (b) second aim was to determine the prevalence of t...

Association between forced expiratory volume and waist-hip ratio in school with overweight and obesity

HSJ (Itajubá); 14 (), 2024
Objective: To evaluate the association between forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in overweightand obese students. Method:A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate children and adolescents of both sexes (7 to 17 years old) classified according to bod...

Changes in Height and Body Weight Within a Time Period of 35 Years in Males of the Same Age

Int. j. morphol; 42 (1), 2024
SUMMARY: Height and body weight measurements are among the most important anthropometric variables when assessing a population's growth, development and body composition. This study aimed to evaluate the height and body weight variability of male entities aged 17-18 years within 35 years. This goal was r...

High fat diet- induced obesity decreases ErbB receptors expression in liver and adipose tissue in C57BL/6 mice

Rev. chil. nutr; 51 (1), 2024
Neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that bind to receptor tyrosine kinases of the ErbB family (ErbB2 to ErbB4), which can homo- or heterodimerize depending on their structural features and cell type. Many studies have proposed that decreased NRG levels are a common characteristic of obe...

Neuropharmacological and anxiolytic effects of extracts of Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima on mice

Anxiety and depression cause alterations in the physiology of an organism. Extracts from the leaves of several Passiflora species are traditionally use d Peru and in many countries as anxiolytic and in treatment for inflammatory problems. T his study aimed to determine the neuropharmacological eff...

Repercussões da Covid-19 na percepção de mudanças de peso e satisfação corporal: comparação entre mulheres com e sem transtornos alimentares

Demetra (Rio J.); 19 (), 2024
Introdução: A pandemia da Covid-19 trouxe consequências diversas para a saúde mental e física das pessoas. O contexto de isolamento social potencializou problemas relacionados à imagem corporal, principalmente em pessoas com transtornos alimentares. Objetivo: Analisar as repercussões da Covid-19 e...

Dietary total antioxidant capacity, cardiovascular risk, and anthropometric obesity indices in hemodialysis patients: A case-control study

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 37 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective: Oxidative stress is triggered by malnutrition and antioxidant losses due to dialysis in hemodialysis patients and thus, oxidative stress increases the risk of mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease and obesity. The study aims to determine differences in cardiovascular risk...

Gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica y bypass gástrico laparoscópico en Yde Roux: morbimortalidad postoperatoria. Estudio restrospectivo

Rev. venez. cir; 77 (1), 2024
Objetivo: Establecer la morbimortalidad postoperatoria de la gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica y el bypass gástrico laparoscópico en Y de Roux. Método: estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, longitudinal. La muestra estuvo conformada por pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía vertical laparoscóp...