Results: 2

Hepatic toxicity caused by PLGA-microspheres containing usnic acid from the lichen C ladonia substellata (AHTI) during pregnancy in Wistar rats

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the teratogenic and hepatotoxic potential of the usnic acid encapsulated into PLGA-microspheres. In total, 12 female Wistar rats in pregnancy were randomly distributed in the control group (n= 6) that received 1.0 mL of physiological solution and treatment group (n= ...

Effects of Aspartame on Maternal-Fetal and Placental Weights, Length of Umbilical Cord and Fetal Liver: A Kariometric Experimental Study

Int. j. morphol; 25 (3), 2007
Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener consumed by more than half the adult population in 75 countries. Their metabolites can be toxic, principally to the liver and retina, and there are few studies on the use of aspartame in gestation. Twenty pregnant rats were weighed and allocated randomly (n=5 per group)...