Results: 7

Sihler's Staining of the Thoracic Cutaneous Nerve and its Significance

Int. j. morphol; 42 (4), 2024
SUMMARY: Our team has modified Sihler's intramuscular nerve staining method to allow for calculation of nerve density. Therefore, this study aimed to show the overall distribution pattern of the thoracic cutaneous nerves to provide a morphological basis for selecting and matching sensory reconstruction d...

The overall distribution pattern of the hand's cutaneous nerves and its clinical implications in sensory reconstruction

Int. j. morphol; 39 (2), 2021
SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to reveal the overall distribution pattern of the hand's cutaneous nerves to provide a morphological basis for the selection and matching of the hand skin for sensory reconstruction during flap transplantation. The hands of 12 adult cadavers were used for the stud...

Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve: an anatomical study

Int. j. morphol; 36 (2), 2018
The purpose of this study was to determine the origin, frequency and anatomical variations of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN) and its clinical implications in surgical procedures such as decompression of the carpal tunnel and volar approach to the wrist. Dissection of 30 forearms ...

Pruritus in cholestasis

Pruritus represents one of the main clinical complaints in medical practice, and leads to significant impairment of life quality and some discomfort. Although the knowledge of its main primary and secondary etiologies is well-established in Internal Medicine, especially in Hepatology, its pathophysiologi...

División Alta del Nervio Fibular Superficial: Origen Precoz de los Nervios Cutáneos Dorsales del Pie

Int. j. morphol; 29 (2), 2011
Los nervios cutáneos dorsales del pie se originan a partir del nervio fibular superficial (NFS), después que éste pasa desde el compartimiento lateral de la pierna a través de la fascia profunda, para luego distribuirse superficialmente en el dorso del pie. A veces, el nervio fibular superficial se d...

Microneurografia: técnica para estudo da regulaçäo cardiovascular pelo sistema nervoso simpático em humanos
Microneurography: technique to study cardiovascular regulation through the sympathetic nervous system in humans

A microneurografia é um método eficaz e seguro para o registro intraneural direto da atividade nervosa simpática para o músculo e para pele em humanos. A técnica e suas aplicaçöes para o estudo da funçäo autonômica seräo discutidos neste artigo. Será abordada a regulaçäo da atividade nervos...