Results: 2

Co-Occurrence of Pineal-Region and Pituitary-Stalk Hemangioblastomas in a Patient Presenting with Von Hippel-Lindau Disease – A Case Report

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (2), 2021
Introduction Hemangioblastomas of the pineal region or pituitary stalk are extremely rare. Only two cases of hemangioblastomas involving the pineal region have been reported, and four involving the pituitary stalk. The purpose of the present manuscript is to describe an unusual case of supposed hemangiob...

Tumor da regiäo pineal
Tumors of pineal region

J. bras. med; 64 (5), 1993
Os autores fazem ampla revisao sobre os tumores da regiao pineal, com relaçao à incidência, quadro clínico e diagnóstico. Aliado a isto, enfocam as diversas modalidades terapêuticas, discutindo as vantagaens e desvantagens das diversas abordagens cirúrgicas em regiao de tao complexo acesso. Finalm...