Results: 10

Development and characterization of photoprotective nanoemulsions containing Babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart. ) lipophilic extract

Abstract Oil-in-water photoprotective nanoemulsions (NEs) were developed using Babassu (BBS) lipophilic extract, nonionic surfactants, and low concentrations of organic sunscreens by ultrasonic processing. BBS extract was chosen due to its suitable physicochemical properties (acidity index, peroxide inde...

Development of metformin HCl granules using brown flaxseed mucilage as a retardant polymer: effects of polymer and drug ratio

Abstract Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is the seed of a multipurpose plant of pharmaceutical interest, as its mucilage can be used as a natural matrix to develop extended-release dosage forms and potentially replace synthetic polymers. In this study, a 3² factorial design with two replicates of the ...

Pyroligneous extracts with therapeutic action: A technological prospect

Abstract The Pyroligneous extract is a product from the combustion of plant biomass with applications in the fields of health, industrial chemistry, and agriculture. The discovery of new molecules with therapeutic potential and of natural origin continues to be one of the great challenges for research ce...

Interações entre o relógio biológico e a sinalização do estado energético em plantas do complexo Saccharum

A cana-de-açúcar e a cana energia são plantas intercruzáveis que compõe o complexo Saccharum. Estas plantas são fonte de biomassa para produção de açúcar, biocombustíveis, eletricidade, entre outros, e utilizam a energia assimilada pela fotossíntese de forma contrastante, ainda que ambas resu...

Caracterização de cereja-do-rio grande (Eugenia involucrata DC. ) e grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis LAM. ), frutos nativos da Mata Atlântica, quanto a compostos voláteis e precursores

Mesmo reduzida e fragmentada, o vasto bioma da Mata Atlântica abriga milhares de plantas. Como destaque, tem-se as espécies frutíferas, aos quais podem ser atribuídas um importante valor para a segurança alimentar, nutricional e sociocultural. Entre elas, têm-se a cereja-do-rio grande (Eugenia invo...

Synthesis and characterization of Sophora alopecuroides L. green synthesized of Ag nanoparticles for the antioxidant, antimicrobial and DNA damage prevention activity

Abstract In this study, it was aimed to investigate the amount of antioxidant, protective properties against DNA damage and antibacterial properties against various pathogens after the interaction of Ag metal (Ag NPs/Sa) of Sophora alopecuroides L. (S. alopecuroides L) plant seed, which is grown in Iğd...

Evaluation of the antibacterial synergism of two plant extracts belonging to Bignoniaceae family and development of a topical formulation

Abstract Fridericia caudigera and Cuspidaria convoluta (Bignoniaceae) species, which grow in the northwest of Argentina, have shown antibacterial effect against strains isolated from skin infections, and each one displayed synergism with commercial antibiotics. The aims of this work were to evaluate the ...

Effect of vegetable by-products on folate production by starter and probiotic microorganisms to develop a bio-enriched fermented soy product

However, folate production was strain-dependent and also dependent on the environmental conditions and on the vegetable substrate used. Passion fruit by-product presented the lowest folate concentration and was selected for the following experiments. Thus, the impact of the supplementation of soymilk wit...

Caracterização da bacteriocina produzida por Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MK02R isolado de rúcula (Euruca sativa Mill.) e avaliação do seu potencial probiótico utilizando o modelo dinâmico TIM-1

Após a constatação da escassez de estudos realizados com vegetais crus na busca por novas estirpes de bactérias láticas (BAL) produtoras de bacteriocinas e diante do potencial tecnológico da aplicação destas cepas tanto como agentes de conservação em alimento, bem como cultura probiótica em al...

Pesquisa de micronúcleos na mucosa esofágica e sua relaçäo com fatores de risco ao câncer de esôfago
Research of micronuclei in the esophageal mucosa and its relationship with risk factors to esophagus cancer

Micronúcleos sao fragmentos de DNA nao incorporados ao núcleo na divisao celular e que apresentam relaçao com agentes genotóxicos (mutagênicos ou clastogênicos). Os micronúcleos podem ser detectados nas células esfoliadas dos tecidos. OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência de micronúcleos na mucosa...