Results: 6

Short Tandem Repeats in plants: genomic distribution and function prediction

BACKGROUND: Short Tandem repeats (STRs) existed as popular elements in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. RESULTS: In this study, we analyzed the characteristics, distributions, and motif features of STRs within whole-genomes of 140 plant species. The results showed that STR density was negatively ...

Phylogenetic relationships of plant species from the flowering desert of the Atacama Region

Every 3 to 7 year angiosperms species of the flowering desert appear in the Atacama Region of Chile, as a result of the climatic phenomenon "El Niño". Our objective was to evaluate the universality of matK and rbcL barcode markers of these species, and validate their taxon through phylogenetic relations...

Una década de aplicación del metod RAPD: alcances y limites en el estudio de relaciones genéticas en plantas
A decade of the RAPD method: possibilities and limitations for plant genetics relationship studies

Acta cient. venez; 51 (4), 2000
The RAPD method appeared a decade ago as an alternative in genetic relationship studies. The technique generates polymorphic band patterns, produced by PCR using arbitrary DNA sequence primers. If total DNA is used, RAPD yields abundant information about the analyzed genome in a rapid and inexpensive way...

Síntesis in vitro de la cicorriza de pisolithus tinctorius y pinus montezumae
Synthesis in vitro of the mycorrhizae between pisolithus tinctorius and pinus montezumae

Rev. mex. micol; 9 (), 1993
Dos plantas actinorrízicas fueron inoculadas con tres hongos micorrízicos vesículo arbusculares para evaluar su capacidad de infectar las raíces e incrementar el crecimiento de Casuarina equisetifolia y Alnus accuminata ssp. glabrata. Los hongos usados inducen diferentes efectos de acuerdo con la pla...