Results: 162

Cribado prenatal de aneuploidías mediante análisis de ácido desoxirribonucleíco libre total circulante en plasma materno. Revisión narrativa

La prueba prenatal no invasiva es un método de cribado de aneuploidías fetales y de resultar con riesgo alto debe ser confirmado a través de prueba genética diagnóstica. Es la prueba de detección más sensible y específica para las aneuploidías fetales comunes y minimiza la realización de técni...

A rapid and sensitive High-Performance Liquid Chromatography method with fluorescence detection for quantification of melatonin in small volume rat plasma samples: application to a preclinical study to determine the oral pharmacokinetics of melatonin under gestational conditions

Abstract A novel, simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection method was developed and validated for the characterization of the preclinical pharmacokinetics of melatonin under pregnant conditions. Plasma samples (25 µL) were treated with 30 µL of ethanol abs...

Aplicação de líquidos ativados com plasma frio na endodontia
Application of plasma-activated liquids in endodontics

O insucesso do tratamento endodôntico é decorrente principalmente da presença de microrganismos remanescentes no canal radicular decorrente da dificuldade de remoção de biofilmes e das limitações dos irrigantes convencionais. Por este motivo, há necessidade de novas alternativas para a desinfecç...

Angioedema after rt-PA infusion led to airway emergency: a case report of rescue treatment with fresh frozen plasma

Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.); 73 (2), 2023
Abstract The authors report the case of a 71-year-old woman presented to the Emergency Department with acute ischemic stroke. She was treated with rt-PA and interventional endovascular revascularization and developed rapidly progressing angioedema that led to emergency intubation. The standard treatment ...

Blasting the myth of predictive INR changes related to plasma transfusion: an academic institution's experience

Abstract Introduction Plasma transfusion is a common therapeutic strategy used to lower international normalized ratio (INR) values in the non-emergent setting. However, due to lack of evidence of its efficacy, standardized guidelines for this practice have not been well established. Methods This retro...

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of spironolactone and canrenone in plasma samples

Abstract n our study, we aimed to validate a method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to quantify spironolactone (SPI) and its active metabolite canrenone (CAN) simultaneously in plasma samples to support in vivo experiments. Compounds were separated by using a C18 column with the ...

Development and validation of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method to quantify dasatinib in plasma and its application to a pharmacokinetic study

Abstract Dasatinib, a potent oral multi-targeted kinase inhibitor against Src and Bcr-Abl, can decrease inflammatory response in sepsis. A simple and cost-effective method for determination of an effective dose dasatinib was established. This method was validated in human plasma, with the aim of reducing...

HPLC-MS/MS method for determination of betamethasone in human plasma with application to a dichorionic twin pregnancy pharmacokinetic and placental transfers studies

Abstract Betamethasone (BET) is a synthetic glucocorticoid recommended for pregnant women at imminent risk of preterm birth before 34 weeks to reduce neonatal complications. There are different techniques to describe BET plasma quantification. However, none quantified the plasmatic concentration of BET ...

Implementación de tromboelastografia para evitar la transfusión de plasmas fresco congelado en neonatos

Introducción: actualmente, la indicación principal para la transfusión de FFP es corregir la deficiencia de los factores de coagulación en pacientes con hemorragia activa o sugestión de esta, sin embargo, la práctica clínica ha demostrado que un porcentaje grande de las transfusiones de FFP en neo...