O Brasil é o país que possui a maior diversidade de bambus em todo o continente americano, com mais de 200 espécies catalogadas. Devido à alta resistência e durabilidade, essas espécies são muito utilizadas na construção civil e confecção de móveis e utensílios. No entanto, faltam estudos qu...
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on tillering dynamics of Alexandergrass (Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) grazed by beef heifers in a rotational stocking grazing method. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design following a repeated measu...
Background: Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is essential for using it as a raw material for chemical and biofuel production. This study evaluates the effects of variables in the chemical pretreatment of the Arundo biomass on the glucose and xylose concentrations in the final enzymatic hydrolysate...
ABSTRACT The milk and meat from animals with a pasture-based diet have higher proportions of CLA and C18:3 and lower omega-6:omega-3 ratios than products from animals with diets based on corn silage and concentrate. However, most of the published studies have evaluated fatty acid profiles in temperate cl...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to compare the estimates of ether extract (EE) contents obtained by the Randall method and by the high-temperature method of the American Oil Chemist's Society (AOCS; Am 5-04) in forages (n = 20) and cattle feces (n = 15). The EE contents were quantified by using ...
ResumenLa industria petrolera ha generado derrames crónicos de petróleo y su acumulación en Gleysoles en zonas anegadas en el estado de Tabasco, en el sureste de México. El anegamiento es un factor que limita el uso de tecnologías de remediación por el alto costo y los bajos niveles de degradación...