Results: 3

Effect of free fatty acids on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and incretin effect - a narrative review

ABSTRACT Deleterious effects of free fatty acids, FFAs, on insulin sensitivity are observed in vivo studies in humans. Mechanisms include impaired insulin signaling, oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, but the effects on insulin secretion are less well known. Our aim was to rev...

Enhancement of insulin secretory response to glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) by growth hormone in dogs

Acta cient. venez; 53 (1), 2002
ABSTRACT: In the present work we examined the incretin role of gut glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) in the insulin overresponse to meal ingestion found in states of hypersomatotrophism. In this context, we studied IRI secretion after i.v. infusion of glucose alone (0.6 g/kg/h) and also ...

Estudo sobre o controle parácrino na hipófise: efeito do hormônio adrenocorticotrófico sobre a secreçäo do peptídeo intestinal vasoativo e da galanina

Atualmente esté claro que os peptídeos gastrointestinais se localizam, também nas células da hipófise que produzem os hormônios "classicos". A funçäo fisiológica destes peptídeos gastrointestinais na hipófise porém, ainda näo foi bem elucidada e eles podem ter um importante papel no controle...