Las poroqueratosis son un grupo heterogéneo de trastornos de la
queratinización epidérmica, de presentación infrecuente. Se caracterizan
clínicamente por pápulas hiperqueratósicas que confluyen y
forman placas anulares con un centro atrófico y bordes sobreelevados.
Hay seis variantes clínicas. E...
El Nevo Poroqueratósico del Ostium y el Ducto Dérmico Ecrinos (NPODDE), es un raro hamartoma benigno de los conductos de las glándulas sudoríparas ecrinas, puede presentarse desde el nacimiento o también en edades posteriores. Su etiología plantea una alteraci...
Abstract: Porokeratotic eccrine and hair follicle nevus is a very rare non-hereditary disorder of keratinization with eccrine and hair follicle involvement with only 9 cases described in the literature. In 2009 the term porokeratotic anexial ostial nevus was proposed to comprehend porokeratotic eccrine a...
Abstract Porokeratosis is a skin disorder clinically characterized by annular plaques with keratotic borders resembling the Great Wall of China and histopathologically by cornoid lamellae. The disease has several clinical variants. Porokeratosis ptychotropica, which has recently become part of these vari...
Abstract Porokeratosis represents a group of disorders of epidermal keratinization that are characterized by one or more annular plaques surrounded by a histologically distinctive hyperkeratotic ridge-like border called the cornoid lamella. Many studies showed that organ transplantation and immunosuppres...
Abstract Porokeratosis is a disorder of epidermal keratinization characterized by the presence of annular hyperkeratotic plaques. Its etiopathogenesis is not yet fully understood, but a relationship with immunosuppression has been reported. Dermoscopic examination revealed a classic yellowish-white ring-...
Abstract: Porokeratosis is a disorder of epidermal keratinization characterized clinically by a distinctive ridge-like border, and histologically by cornoid lamellae. The known clinical variants of porokeratosis are: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial (actinic) porokeratosis (DSAP...