Results: 41

Analysis of the Chemical Composition, Morphological Characterization, and Porosimetry of Allograft and Comparison with Xenograft for Dental Applications

Int. j. morphol; 42 (3), 2024
SUMMARY: Tissue engineering aims to fabricate a scaffold that exhibits a suitable surface topography for a desired cellular response. Therefore, a study analyzing the characteristics of bone grafts is important for future research directions. This work aims to analyze the physical-chemical characteristic...

Protocolo para la medición de espacios vacíos dentro de la obturación endodóntica con microtomografía
A protocol for the measurement of voids within the endodontic filling with microtomography

La microtomografía es un estudio que utiliza la ra-diación X para obtener imágenes de tamaños de mi-lésimas de milímetros y de alta resolución. Las imá-genes 2D son procesadas por diferentes softwares para lograr obtener volúmenes capaces de ser ana-lizados tridimensionalmente. La microtomograf...

Estudio microtomográfico de la porosidad en la cementación de postes de fibra

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar con microto-mografía los poros existentes entre el cemento de resina, poste de fibra y paredes del conducto en los distintos tercios radiculares en premolares inferio-res. Se utilizaron 15 premolares inferiores unirra-diculares humanos recientemente extraídos. Se...

Evaluación comparativa de las características de porosidad entre el cemento Portland, MTA y Biodentine con microscopio electrónico de barrido

Rev. cient. odontol; 9 (1), 2021
Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar comparativamente las características de porosidad entre el cemento Portland, MTA Angelus® y Biodentine Septodont®, observados con un microscopio electrónico de barrido. Materiales y métodos: Se prepararon los cementos según las in...

Cortical bone modifications after radiotherapy: cortex porosity and osteonal changes evaluated over time

Braz. dent. j; 32 (1), 2021
Abstract Aiming to evaluate cortical bone microarchitecture and osteonal morphology after irradiation, twelve male New Zealand rabbits were used. The animals were divided: control group (no radiation-NIr); and 3 irradiated groups, sacrificed after: 7 (Ir7d); 14 (Ir14d) and 21 (Ir21d) days. A single radia...

Low Body Mass Index as a Risk Factor for the Onset of Porosity of the Mandibular Bone in the Elderly

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate whether a low body mass index (BMI) has a significant relationship with mandibular bone porosity progression by conducting a mandibular inferior cortex (MIC) classification in elderly Japanese people. Material and Methods: A total of 266 study subjects, aged 70 at bas...

Rubbing ethanol and time of use: critical factors compromising latex gloves structure

Abstract Introduction Personal protective equipment is mandatory to protect patients and professionals from diseases, especially in the dental environment. The risk of gloves micro-perforations is imminent when using sharp instruments or cleaning them up during lengthy clinical procedures. Objective Th...

Enhanced osseointegration of porous titanium scaffold implanted with preload: an experiment study in rabbits

Int. j. morphol; 38 (4), 2020
Porous titanium alloy scaffold was widely used in treating bone defect caused by traumatic injury and osteomyelitis, which was incapable of self-healing. The implantation of scaffold produced stress shielding thereby forming osteolysis. The objective of this study was to analysis trabecular morphological...

Simvastatin-enriched macro-porous chitosan-calcium-aluminate scaffold for mineralized tissue regeneration

Braz. dent. j; 31 (4), 2020
Abstract The present study evaluated the odontogenic potential of human dental pulp cells (HDPCs) exposed to chitosan scaffolds containing calcium aluminate (CHAlCa) associated or not with low doses of simvastatin (SV). Chitosan scaffolds received a suspension of calcium aluminate (AlCa) and were then im...

Microstructural and mechanical analysis of two CAD-CAM lithium disilicate glass-reinforced ceramics

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the structural, morphological and mechanical properties of two different lithium disilicate glass-reinforced ceramics for CAD-CAM systems (IPS e.max CAD and Rosetta SM). Five methodologies were used for both ceramics: microstructure (n = 2) was analyzed using...