Results: 30

Parálisis facial alternobárica: a propósito de un caso y revisión de la literatura

La parálisis o paresia facial alternobárica es una neuropraxia del séptimo nervio cra-neal debido a cambios de presión. Se produce en el contexto de una disfunción de la trompa de Eustaquio, una dehiscencia canal del nervio facial y cambios en la presión atmosférica. Se considera una rara complica...

Detección de novedad y codificación predictiva en el sistema auditivo: Impacto clínico en disfunciones auditivas y vestibulares. Revisión de la literatura

Una propiedad fundamental de los sistemas sensoriales es su capacidad para detectar estímulos novedosos en el entorno. El sistema nervioso posee neuronas que disminuyen su respuesta a los estímulos sonoros que se repiten a lo largo del tiempo y otras neuronas que aumentan su frecuencia de disparo ante ...

Seventy years since the invention of the averaging technique in Neurophysiology: Tribute to George Duncan Dawson

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 80 (2), 2022
ABSTRACT In 1951, the physiologist George Duncan Dawson presented his work with the averaging of the signal in the evoked potentials (EPs), opening a new stage in the development of clinical neurophysiology. The authors present aspects of Professor Dawson's biography and a review of his work on the EPs a...

Monitorización neurofisiológica intraoperatoria en cirugía de columna

Rev. chil. anest; 51 (3), 2022
The most feared complication in spinal surgeries is damage to the spinal cord due to inadvertent compression or interference in the blood supply with the consequent motor and/or sensory déficit. Intraoperative physiological surveillance reduces the risk of generating direct damage or due to hypoxia, hel...

Forward masking with frequency-following response analyses

Rev. CEFAC; 23 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Purpose: to analyze forward masking in normally hearing young people, by using frequency-following responses. Methods: the synthetic syllable /da/ was used for the recordings of ten individuals, in the following conditions: /da/ with no masking, and /da/ after 4, 16, 32, and 64 milliseconds of...

Tinnitus and event related potentials: a systematic review

Abstract Introduction Tinnitus is sound perception in the absence of a sound source. Changes in parameters of latency and amplitude on the auditory event related potentials or long latency potentials waves have been cited in tinnitus patients when compared to a control group. Objective To perform an as...

Diferencias en procesamiento cerebral visual temprano en niños con trastorno del déficit de atención
Differences in early visual cerebral processing in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorders with predominance of no attention

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (1,supl.1), 2019
Para evaluar los procesos atencionales a estímulos visuales que no requieren repuesta motora, se llevó a cabo un estudio con potenciales evocados a 17 niños con trastornos del déficit de atención/ hiperactividad (TDAH-I) con predominio inatento y a 15 controles de edades entre 7 y 11 años. Se anali...

Potencial evocado miogênico vestibular cervical em crianças e adolescentes sem queixas vestibulares

Audiol., Commun. res; 22 (), 2017
RESUMO Introdução O Potencial Evocado Miogênico Vestibular Cervical (cVEMP) tem se tornado uma medida fidedigna e complementar da avaliação vestibular. A investigação das alterações de ordem vestibular na população pediátrica é de grande importância, pois essas alterações podem acarreta...

Behavioral and neural correlates of emotional development: typically developing infants and infants of depressed and/or anxious mothers

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (3,supl.1), 2016
ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the main findings of studies of behavioral and neural correlates regarding the development of facial emotion processing during the first year of life in typically developing infants and infants of depressed and/or anxious mothers. Sources: Comprehensive, non-systematic ...