Results: 24

Nelore females along a new Brazilian agricultural frontier: hematological and clinical-biochemical approaches

The Nelore breed is the second largest bovine breed in the world and has actively participated in the expansion of new Brazilian agricultural frontiers. In this context, the purpose of this study was to determine the hematological and biochemical reference intervals of healthy Nelore matrices raised unde...

Blood parameters of crioulo breed horse

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 28 (1), 2021
Plasma levels of hematocrit, total plasma protein, fibrinogen, creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transferase, and lactate were analyzed in blood samples of 85 Crioula breed foals, from birth to two years of age. The animals were divided into age groups: G1 (up to 15 days of age; n=70), G2 (from 16 days t...

Productivity of steers of different genotypes: forecast based on interior indicators

Meat productivity and quality of beef are determined by a number of factors, including pedigree traits of animals. Meat productivity is closely related to the biological patterns of their growth and development. Considering the patterns that affect meat productivity enables effective growing and fattenin...

Avaliação hematológica e hepática de ovinos sob tratamento com torta de neem (Azadirachta indica)

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 27 (3), 2020
Devido aos altos índices de resistência dos parasitas aos diferentes princípios ativos comerciais, novas alternativas de controle vêm sendo estudadas, entre elas a fitoterapia. Essas medidas visam a busca de métodos auxiliares no controle das parasitoses, entretanto, muitos produtos estão disponív...

Trichostrongylus colubriformis infection in Santa Inês lambs: impact on feed digestibility, blood markers, and nitrogen balance

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Trichostrongylus colubriformis infection on the hemato-biochemical parameters, feed digestibility, and nitrogen balance in Santa Inês lambs. Eighteen three-month-old Santa Ines castrated male lambs (16.9 ± 1.43 kg of body weight) were randomly distri...

Relação do proteinograma sérico e as fases folicular e luteal do ciclo estral em éguas

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 26 (3), 2019
O objetivo deste estudo foi obter o perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas em éguas cíclicas e verificar as diferenças entre as fases folicular e luteal do ciclo estral nesta espécie. Foram utilizadas 18 éguas, totalizando 36 amostras de soro, sendo duas de cada égua. As amostras foram colh...

Altered Tregs and oxidative stress in pregnancy associated lupus

Adv Rheumatol; 59 (), 2019
Abstract Aim SLE is a systemic autoimmune disease generally affecting woman in the reproductive age. It is associated with an altered level of Tregs and oxidative stress while an increase in Tregs, and different antioxidant mechanisms to combat oxidative stress are essential for successful pregnancy. H...

Estimación del tiempo límite de detección del gen citocromo b de humanos en hembras de Lutzomyia evansi

Biomédica (Bogotá); 37 (supl.2), 2017
Resumen Introducción. Las técnicas de biología molecular han permitido ampliar el conocimiento sobre las fuentes de ingestión de sangre de los insectos vectores. Sin embargo, la utilidad de estas técnicas depende de la cantidad de sangre ingerida y del proceso de digestión en el insecto. Objetivo...

Estimación del intervalo de referencia para C3 y C4 en población adulta de un hospital del Gran Buenos Aires

El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la estimación del intervalo de referencia para los componentes del complemento C3 y C4 en población adulta hospitalaria. Se siguieron los lineamientos de la guía C28A3 de CLSI para lo cual se eligió como población de referencia a dadores de sangre concurrentes al...