Results: 2

Expression Levels of the CA9, WT1, and PRAME genes and genotyping-associated antigens for the diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent type of cancer worldwide, and is one of the major health problems in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. The tumor antigens recently are of interesting indicators as diagnostic and prognostic tools, The aim of the present study is to detect t...

Síndrome WAGR por deleción en heterocigosis del gen WT1: Caso clínico pediátrico

Arch. argent. pediatr; 117 (5), 2019
El síndrome WAGR (tumor de Wilms, aniridia, anomalías genitourinarias y retraso mental) es un trastorno genético infrecuente debido a la deleción de la región 11p13, que contiene los genes WT1 y PAX6. Comprende una combinación distintiva de afecciones clínicas; la aniridia y el tumor de Wilms son ...