Results: 23

Comparison of protein precipitation methods for sample preparation prior to proteomic analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cell homogenates

BACKGROUND: Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the workhorse for obtaining recombinant proteins. Proteomic studies of these cells intend to understand cell biology and obtain more productive and robust cell lines for therapeutic protein production in the pharmaceutical industry. Because of the great i...

Protein structure of the venom in nine species of snake: from bio-compounds to possible healing agents

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (1), 2020
Due to its various structures in bio-compounds, snake venom is the indisputable result of evolutionary stages of molecules with an increasingly complex structure, high specificity, and of great importance for medicine because of their potential. The present study proposed an underpinning examination of v...

Aspectos generales del perfil proteómico del Echinococcus granulosus

Int. j. morphol; 37 (2), 2019
La información disponible referente a las características proteómicas del E. granulosus es escasa (no supera los 50 estudios publicados); y nos parece que la identificación proteómica, podría mejorar la comprensión de algunas características bioquímicas e inmunológicas de la Equinococosis Quís...

Diagnostic potential of saliva proteome analysis: a review and guide to clinical practice

Abstract: Proteomic techniques have become popular in medicine and dentistry because of their widespread use in analyzing bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, urine, and gingival crevicular fluids as well as hard tissues such as enamel, dentine, and cementum. This review is a guide to proteomic technique...

Papel das vesículas extracelulares secretadas por adenocarcinomas gástricos na resposta ao tratamento quimioterápico

O adenocarcinoma gástrico (AdG) é a terceira causa mais comum de morte por câncer no mundo e um dos tumores com maior índice de mortalidade no Brasil. Estes tumores aparecem em terceiro lugar na incidência entre homens e em quinto nas mulheres. A quimioterapia neoadjuvante (QT) com 5-fluorouracil (5...

Missing and overexpressing proteins in domestic cat oocytes following vitrification and in vitro maturation as revealed by proteomic analysis

Biol. Res; 51 (), 2018
BACKGROUND: The domestic cat serves as an animal model for assisted reproductive studies of endangered felid species. To date, there are no data on the protein alterations following cryopreservation of oocytes in felid family. METHODS: Immature (germinal vesicle) domestic cat oocytes were vitrified in th...

Standardization of a protocol for shotgun proteomic analysis of saliva

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Saliva contains numerous proteins and peptides, each of them carries a number of biological functions that are very important in maintaining the oral cavity health and also yields information about both local and systemic diseases. Currently, proteomic analysis is the basis for large-scale ident...

Análisis proteómico de los productos de excreción-secreción de cuatro aislados de Trichinella spiralis obtenidos de hospederos accidentales

Resumen: Introducción: Trichinella spiralis es un nemátodo tisular que se aloja en el músculo esquelético de humanos y otros mamíferos y causa una serie de alteraciones fisiológicas. Las proteínas de los productos de excreción-secreción de T. spiralis juegan un papel importante en la aparición...

Mitochondrial proteomic profile of complex IV deficiency fibroblasts: rearrangement of oxidative phosphorylation complex/supercomplex and other metabolic pathways

Abstract: Background: Mitochondriopathies are multisystem diseases affecting the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. Skin fibroblasts are a good model for the study of these diseases. Fibroblasts with a complex IV mitochondriopathy were used to determine the molecular mechanism and the main affe...