Abstract Background: This study describes 35 years of experience in a tertiary care level hospital that treats cardiac patients with univentricular heart physiology who underwent Glenn surgery. Methods: The study consisted of a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent Glenn surgery, including v...
Abstract Objective: To identify main complications in outpatient follow-up, as well as factors before or during operation that may interfere in patient's evolution. Methods: Retrospective study of patients submitted to total cavopulmonary shunt with extracardiac conduit from 2000 to 2014 at the Hospita...
Abstract Introduction: The superior cavopulmonary connection operation is one of the stages of the palliative surgical management for patients with functionally single ventricle. After surviving this stage, the patients are potential candidates for the final palliative procedure: the Fontan operation. ...
Assessment of late results of bidirecional cavopulmonary shunt on paliative treatment of congenital heart disease with functional isolated ventricular chamber
No período de março de 1990 a janeiro de 1994, 17 pacientes com idades de 1a 13 anos (média:7 anos), portadores de cardiopatias congênitas com câmara ventricular única funcionante, foram submetidos a operaçao de derivaçao cavo-pulmonar bidirecional. Nove pacientes tinham atresia tricúspide (AT),...
A cirurgia de Gleen bidirecional tem sido empregada como uma opçao ao tratamento cirúrgico de pacientes considerados candidatos "nao ideais" à cirurgia de derivaçao átrio-pulmonar. A operaçao consiste na anastomose da veia cava superior com a artéria pulmonar (anastomose término-lateral), permiti...