Results: 3

Cordycepin prevents the esophageal stricture formation in the alkali-burn rat model by exerting anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic effects

Acta cir. bras; 36 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the efficacy of cordycepin, an adenosine analogue, on prevention of esophageal damage and stricture formation due to esophageal caustic burns in rat model comparing with prednisolone. Methods Caustic esophageal burn was introduced by 37.5% of NaOH to distal esophagus. Th...

Therapeutic effects of proanthocyanidin and coenzyme Q10 on nitrogen mustard-induced ocular injury

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 81 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Purpose: Nitrogen mustard (NM) is a devastating casualty agent in chemical warfare. There is no effective antidote to treat NM-induced ocular injury. We aimed to assess the effects of proanthocyanidin (PAC) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on NM-induced ocular injury. Methods: Eighteen male rats were ...

Effects of chitin and sepia ink hybrid sponge on the healing of burning wound rats and its impact on macrophages in vitro

Acta cir. bras; 31 (2), 2016
PURPOSE: To detect whether chitin and sepia ink sponge (CS) can promote wound healing and elevate impact of CS on phagocytosis ability of macrophages. METHODS: Forty-eight rats were assigned to four groups: Normal group (Normal), negative control group (Con), chitin and sepia ink sponge group (CS) and po...