Results: 2

Role of keratinocytes in wound contraction: an impact assessment using a model of collagen matrix populated with fibroblasts

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 26 (3), 2011
BACKGROUND: The possible participation of keratinocytes in wound remodeling has been widely studied. This study investigated the impact of keratinocytes in wound contraction. METHODS: Murine type I collagen gels populated by human fibroblasts and seeded with human keratinocytes on the surface to form a d...

Expressäo das citoqueratinas no componente epitelial de neoplasias odontogênicas

As neoplasias e tumores relacionados com o aparato odontogênico podem ser constituídos unicamente por tecido epitelial ou em associaçäo com ectomesênquima. As citoqueratinas (CKs) säo filamentos intermediários citoesqueletais típicos das células epiteliais, representadas por uma família de 20 p...