Results: 2

Regulon: An overview of plant abiotic stress transcriptional regulatory system and role in transgenic plants

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract Population growth is increasing rapidly around the world, in these consequences we need to produce more foods to full fill the demand of increased population. The world is facing global warming due to urbanizations and industrialization and in this concerns plants exposed continuously to abiotic...

Caracterización molecular de cepas de streptococcus pyogenes aisladas de cuadros invasores basada en el polimorfismo del regulón vir
Molecular characterization of streptococcus pyogenes from invasive infections based on vir-regulon polymorphism

Rev. chil. infectol; 18 (3), 2001
A pesar del aumento de infecciones invasoras por Streptococcus pyogenes: fasceitis necrozante (FN) y síndrome de shock tóxico (SST) en nuestro medio, su caracterización generalmente se limita a identificación de especie y prácticamente no existen estudios moleculares. La literatura describe diversos...