Results: 2

Protection of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems (GCPVS)

Braz. arch. biol. technol; 61 (spe), 2018
ABSTRACT Installations of photovoltaic systems connected or not to the electrical network have become increasingly popular, but it is often carried out by unqualified people using low quality components. The present study aims to describe the methodology adopted for the protection of grid connected photo...

Amazonia boliviana: arqueología de los Llanos de Mojos
Bolivian Amazonia: archaeology of the Llanos de Mojos

Acta amaz; 34 (2), 2004
A arqueologia da Amazônia boliviana ou das "Terras Baixas" compreende um imenso território que mostra, a luz da informação disponível, significativas descontinuidades espaço-temporais. A identificação nesta área de sociedades constituindo "cacicados da floresta tropical" a partir de critérios b...