Results: 2

99mTc-DTPA Diuretic Renography with 3 hours late output fraction in the evaluation of hydronephrosis in children

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Dynamic renal scintigraphy complemented by late gravity assisted postvoid images to 60 minutes is a frequently used diagnostic test in the evaluation of hydrone- phrosis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness in acquiring images at 180 minutes to calculate the ...

Avaliaçäo da funçäo renal no idoso normotenso e hipertenso
Evaluation of renal function in nomotensive and hypertensive aged patient

Arq. bras. cardiol; 46 (5), 1986
Foram estudados 34 pacientes com mais de 65 anos divididos em dois grupos etários: I - 66 a 74 anos (17 pacientes), II - 75 ou mais anos (17 pacientes) e em dois conjuntos, segundo os níveis de pressäo arterial: A - normotensos (14 indivíduos), B - hipertensos (20 indivíduos). Nenhum dos doentes era...