Abstract Background: Arterial hypertension is a precursor to the development of heart and renal failure, furthermore is associated with elevated oxidative markers. Environmental enrichment of rodents increases performance in memory tasks, also appears to exert an antioxidant effect in the hippocampus of...
Abstract Background: Mercury's deleterious effects are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Objective: To determine whether chronic exposure to inorganic mercury increases the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme and its relationship with oxidative stress in several organs and tissues. ...
OBJECTIVES: The present study aimed to investigate cardiovascular autonomic modulation and angiotensin II (Ang II) activity in diabetic mice that were genetically engineered to harbor two or three copies of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene. METHODS: Diabetic and non-diabetic mice harboring 2 or 3 ...
A utilização do iodo antes de cirurgias de tireóide visa a redução do fluxo sanguíneo para a glândula e melhora da hemostasia. Para tentar elucidar o mecanismo pelo qual a vasoconstricção se instala, foi determinada a atividade colinesterásica em tireóides de ratos Wistar machos (240-250g de p...
Inorganic sulphites are chemical compounds with antioxidative, antibacterial and antimycotic properties diffusely employed in agro-food and pharmaceutical industries. In spite of their continuous use there still are many questions regarding their safety, and their possible influence in several nutrients ...
En el presente trabajo se estudió por métodos citoquímicos para microscopía óptica y electrónica, si el paratión (un inhibidos competitivo de acetilcolinesterasa que produce un efecto natriurético), es o no un inhibidor de la enzima a nivel renal, en dois no inhibitorias de AChE de glóbulos rojo...