Results: 4

Aneurisma de seno de valsalva fistulizado a auricula derecha

Rev. chil. cardiol; 41 (2), 2022
Resumen: Los aneurismas de seno de Valsalva son una malformación rara de observar en la práctica clínica. Se presentan a cualquier edad y pueden ser de origen congénito o adquirido. La importancia de su estudio radica en que potencialmente pueden complicarse con rotura y fistulización a otra estruct...

Terson Syndrome: Assessment of 53 Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by a Ruptured Aneurysm

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (3), 2021
Objective Terson syndrome (TS), also known as vitreous hemorrhage, is reported in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by a ruptured aneurysm. This study aims to evaluate the presence of ocular hemorrhage in such patients, trying to identify those who could benefit from the specific treatment for...

Ruptured sinus valsalva aneurysm - an uncommon cause of new onset heart failure onset heart failure

Rev. chil. cardiol; 39 (3), 2020
Abstract: A young man presented to the emergency room with symptoms of recent onset heart failure. On physical examination he showed signs of right heart failure and a continuous murmur. Transesophageal echocardiography an computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis of a ruptured right sinus of Valsalva ...

Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Uncommon Hemorrhagic Presentation: Case Report

Arq. bras. neurocir; 39 (1), 2020
Intracranial aneurysm rupture causes subarachnoid hemorrhage in 80% of the cases, and it may be associated with intracerebral hemorrhage and/or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in 34% and 17% of the patients, respectively. However, on rare occasions, aneurysm rupturemay be present causing isolate intrac...