Results: 72

Linfoma de células B primario de mama en una paciente con sida. Presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Primary B-cell lymphoma of the breast in an AIDS patient. Case report and literature review

Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent; 137 (1), 2024
Los LNH constituyen la segunda neoplasia más frecuente en pacientes con VIH. Estas neoplasias están ligadas a la inmunodeficiencia, suelen ser de período de latencia prolongado y más frecuentes en hombres. Más del 95% de estas neoplasias son de fenotipo B, de alto grado de malignidad, extranodales y...

Atención farmacéutica en pacientes con inmunodeficiencia adquirida y/o tuberculosis en el área ambulatoria de un hospital pediátrico

Med. infant; 30 (4), 2023
La Atención farmacéutica (AF) ayuda a los pacientes a alcanzar objetivos terapéuticos reduciendo los problemas relacionados al medicamento (PRM). Objetivos: analizar los PRM en la práctica de la AF a pacientes con inmunodeficiencia adquirida (IDA) y/o tuberculosis (TBC) y evaluar su impacto. Método:...

Barreiras e facilitadores do enfrentamento de HIV/aids e sífilis por venezuelanas residentes no Brasil

RESUMO Objetivo. Descrever a percepção de mulheres venezuelanas sobre o acesso aos serviços de saúde, ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento de HIV/aids e sífilis no Brasil. Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no período de fevereiro a maio de...

Marker events associated with adherence to HIV/AIDS treatment in a cohort study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze how clinical and social events may impact adherence to antiretroviral treatment for HIV. METHODS This is a historical cohort study with 528 patients who underwent treatment for HIV in a specialized care service in Alvorada, RS. A total of 3429 queries executed between th...

Sociodemographic and pharmacoepidemiological profile of people on antiretroviral therapy in the coast of the state of Paraná

Acta sci., Health sci; 44 (), 2022
The aim of this study was to investigate possible factors related to antiretroviral therapy (ART) that contribute to the understanding of the highest rate of Aids detection on the coast of the state of Paraná, a port region identified administratively as the 1stRegional Health Division (1stHD) i...

Epidemiological characteristics and adherence of a cohort of elderly people with HIV/AIDS in the Public Health System

ABSTRACT Objective To characterize the epidemiological profile of patients aged 50 years or older diagnosed as HIV/AIDS, in a Specialized Service of the Public Health System. Methods A retrospective cohort study using secondary data from medical records in the period 2014 to 2018. Sociodemographic an...

Síndrome metabólica em pessoas vivendo com HIV: prevalência e concordância de critérios

Resumo Objetivo Identificar a prevalência da síndrome metabólica e a concordância entre os critérios do National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII) e da International Diabetes Federation (IDF) em pessoas vivendo com HIV. Métodos Estudo analítico transversal, ...

Efficacy of vitamin D supplementation among persons living with HIV/AIDS in São Paulo city, Brazil

Braz. j. infect. dis; 25 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Hypovitaminosis D is now considered a pandemic, especially among more vulnerable populations and in HIV-infected subjects, with 80% presenting levels below 30 ng/mL. As there is no consensus on the more adequate dosage needed to correct such deficiency, the objective of this study was to evaluat...

Situación epidemiologíca del VIH-Sida en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: abril 2021
Epidemiological situation of HIV in Buenos Aires City: april 2021

En esta entrega del informe se caracteriza el estado de la epidemia de VIH y se brinda información sobre la respuesta del sistema público de salud de la CABA. En este último aspecto se intenta destacar dos temas que sirven para monitorear la calidad y el impacto de esta respuesta: el análisis de los ...

HIV/Aids and COVID-19 in Brazil: in four decades, two antithetical approaches to face serious pandemics

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 116 (), 2021
In the space of four decades, Brazil has faced two serious pandemics: human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The country's response to HIV/AIDS was coordinated by several stakeholders and recognised the importance of scientific ...