Results: 5

Triathlete with Multiple Stress Fractures in the Lower Limbs: Case Report and Literature Review

Abstract Recurrent stress fractures rarely affect the same athlete. We present the case of a female triathlete who suffered multiple stress fractures in both tibias, the right fibula, and the left femoral neck. Conservative treatment was instituted in all episodes, with rest, reduced training load, and p...

Cultural adaptation and validation of the low energy availability in females questionnaire (leaf-q)

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction: Low energy availability, amenorrhea and osteoporosis make up the Female Athlete Triad observed in physically active females and athletes. The Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire (LEAF-Q) was created with the purpose of identifying female athletes at risk for the Femal...

The Female Athlete Triad/Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S)

Abstract In a healthy athlete, the caloric intake is sufficient for sports energy needs and body physiological functions, allowing a balance between energy availability, bone metabolism, andmenstrual cycle.Onthe other hand, an imbalance causedby low energy availability dueto a restrictive diet, eating di...

Além da tríade da mulher atleta: o novo conceito de deficiência relativa de energia no esporte

Femina; 49 (1), 2021
“Tríade da mulher atleta” e “deficiência relativa de energia no esporte” são afecções comuns encontradas em esportistas. Tendo como fisiopatologia a disponibilidade energética negativa, essas síndromes têm impacto negativo na saúde das atletas. Apesar de serem frequentemente discutidas e...

A tríade da atleta

Femina; 45 (3), 2017
A Tríade da Atleta (TA) é uma síndrome que se manifesta na mulher por meio da baixa disponibilidade de energia (com ou sem distúrbios alimentares), disfunção menstrual e baixa densidade mineral óssea (DMO). Geralmente, acomete pessoas envolvidas com a prática de atividades físicas que enfatizam ...