Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o uso de lock de etanol na profilaxia infecciosa de cateteres venosos de longa permanência em recém-nascidos com disfunção intestinal grave e dependentes de nutrição parenteral total e prolongada, internados em um Centro de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (nív...
La falla intestinal secundaria a síndrome de intestino corto en pediatría es una entidad poco frecuente, de alta morbimortalidad. Requiere de un equipo interdisciplinario para su abordaje, lo cual ha demostrado que disminuye la morbimortalidad y aumenta la posibilidad de que los pacientes logren la au...
SUMMARY Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is the leading cause of intestinal failure in children, a condition of absence of sufficient bowel to meet the nutritional and metabolic needs of a growing individual. The treatment of patients in this situation is based on the association of parenteral and enteral nutr...
Introduction: Over the last decades, treatment for rectal cancer has substantially improved with development of new surgical options and treatment modalities. With the improvement of survival, functional outcome and quality of life are getting more attention. Study objective: To provide an overview of c...