La multirresistencia a los antibióticos en Salmonella entérica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium) se asocia con integrones que portan genes de resistencia y que son dispersados por elementos genéticos móviles. En esta revisión sistemática exploratoria, se buscó identificar los tipos de integrones y...
Silva, Daniela Gomes da;
Moura, Eduarda Alexandra Gonçalves de Oliveira;
Sanches, Thainara Vitoria Carnevalli;
Turco, Caio Henrique;
Zambotti, Beatriz Belloni;
Petri, Fernando Antônio Moreira;
Storino, Gabriel Yuri;
Almeida, Henrique Meiroz de Souza;
Rabelo, Isabela Peixoto;
Mechler-Dreibi, Marina Lopes;
Sonalio, Karina;
Ravetti, Renato;
Oliveira, Luis Guilherme de.
The use of antimicrobials as growth promoters and disease prevention is being constantly reduced in several animal production systems, including in the swine industry. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using acidifiers to control Salmonella Typhimurium in 65-day-old pigs by det...
Cavalcanti, Bruno Coêlho;
Silva, Cecília Rocha da;
Andrade Neto, João Batista de;
Josino, Maria Aparecida Alexandre;
Sá, Lívia Gurgel do Amaral Valente;
Silva, Antônio Adailson de Sousa;
Barreto, Francisco Stefânio;
Ferreira, José Roberto de Oliveira;
Magalhães, Hemerson Iury Ferreira;
Vieira, Ícaro Gusmão Pinto;
Brito, Débora Hellen Almeida;
Ricardo, Nágila Maria Pontes Silva;
Barroso, Fátima Daiana Dias;
Costa, Érica Rayanne Mota da;
Nobre Júnior, Hélio Vitoriano;
Moraes, Manoel Odorico de.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mutagenic potential of fluoxetine and fluoxetine-galactomannan. Methods: Chromosomal aberration test and Salmonella typhimurium/microsome mutagenicity assay. Results: The results showed that fluoxetine (250 μg/mL) can cause chromosomal breaks of ...
Biosecurity, cleaning and disinfection of swine and poultry facilities are fundamental for the reduction of pathogenic microorganisms of importance for public and animal health. The objective of this work was to compare the levels of active ingredient described on the label and the real levels detected i...
Briones, A. C;
Lorca, D;
Cofre, A;
Cabezas, C. E;
Krüger, G. I;
Pardo-Esté, C;
Baquedano, M. S;
Salinas, C. R;
Espinoza, M;
Castro-Severyn, J;
Remonsellez, F;
Hidalgo, A. A;
Morales, E. H;
Saavedra, C. P.
BACKGROUND: Salmonella Typhimurium is a Gram negative pathogen that causes a systemic disease in mice resembling typhoid fever. During its infective cycle, S. Typhimurium is phagocytized by macrophages and proliferates inside a Salmonella containing vacuole where Salmonella is exposed and survives oxidat...
Introducción. La variante monofásica (1,4,[5],12:i:-) de Salmonella Typhimurium ocupa los primeros lugares en los programas de vigilancia de Salmonella a nivel mundial. En Colombia, Salmonella enterica variante monofásica alcanza el cuarto lugar en cuanto a los aislamientos clínicos recuper...
Synthetic preservatives are widely present in processed foods, but most of them have carcinogenic potential, requiring the development of new natural alternatives such as fruit extracts, for microbial control. The objective of the study was to evaluate the chemical characterization, antioxidant, and anti...
Extractos Vegetales/química,
Extractos Vegetales/farmacología,
Salmonella typhimurium/efectos de los fármacos,
Escherichia coli/efectos de los fármacos,
Listeria monocytogenes/efectos de los fármacos,
Staphylococcus aureus/efectos de los fármacos,
Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana,
A interação entre membros do microbioma intestinal humano, células hospedeiras e patógenos invasores pode ocorrer de diversas formas, sendo uma delas através de pequenas moléculas chamadas metabólitos. A percepção e resposta efetiva de um microrganismo às diferentes condições encontradas em s...
Salmonella enterica,
Salmonella typhimurium,
Microbioma Gastrointestinal,
Islas Genómicas,
Factores de Virulencia,
Origanum vulgare L. (OVEO) essential oil has been considered a candidate antimicrobial for use in food conservation systems. However, studies on the influence of concomitant variations of different food components or physicochemical parameters on the antibacterial properties of OVEO are scarce. This stud...
Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno,
Crecimiento Bacteriano,
Escherichia coli/clasificación,
Lípidos/efectos adversos,
Salmonella typhimurium/clasificación,
Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana/instrumentación,
Aceites Volátiles/análisis,
Saleem, Afia;
Bukhari, Syed Majid;
Zaidi, Asma;
Farooq, Umar;
Ali, Majid;
Khan, Asma;
Khan, Sidra;
Shah, Kausar Hussain;
Mahmood, Adeem;
Khan, Farhan Ahmed.
The 4-Hydroxycoumarin derivatives are known to show a broad spectrum of pharmacological applications. In this paper we are reporting the synthesis of a new series of 4-Hydroxycoumarin derivatives synthesized through Knovenegal condensation; they were characterized by using UV-Vis, FT-IR, NMR spectroscopi...