Results: 8

Myricitrin and Its Solid Lipid Nanoparticle Increase Insulin Secretion and Content of Isolated Islets from the Pancreas of Male Mice

Abstract Glucose exposure induces toxic effects on the function of the pancreatic islets. Moreover, myricitrin as a flavonoid glycoside may have favorable effects on insulin secretion of Langerhans islets. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Myricitrin and its solid lipid nanoparticles (...

Effect of free fatty acids on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and incretin effect - a narrative review

ABSTRACT Deleterious effects of free fatty acids, FFAs, on insulin sensitivity are observed in vivo studies in humans. Mechanisms include impaired insulin signaling, oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, but the effects on insulin secretion are less well known. Our aim was to rev...

Utilidad de la prueba de tolerancia de comida mixta con Nutrial I para la evaluación de la función de las células beta en diabetes tipo 1

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 31 (1), 2020
RESUMEN Introducción: La prueba de tolerancia de comida mixta es considerada la prueba de oro para la medición de la producción de insulina endógena en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1. Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad de la prueba de tolerancia de comida mixta con Nutrial I para evaluar la función...

Evaluating the effects of vanadyl sulfate on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation in renal tissue of rats with diabetes type 2

Vanadyl sulfate (VS) is an ingredient in some food supplements and experimental drugs. This study was designed to assay the effects of VS on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation in renal tissue of rats with diabetes type 2. 30 male Wistar rats were divided into three equal groups as follow: no...

The relationships between hemoglobin and insulin resistance, glucose effectiveness, and first- and second-phase insulin secretion in adult Chinese

ABSTRACT Objective We denote the four major factors related to the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) as "diabetes factor" (DF); increased insulin resistance (IR); decreased glucose effectiveness (GE); and the first-and-second-phase of insulin secretion (FPIS, SPIS). The level of hemoglobin (Hb) was f...

Complicaciones musculoesqueléticas de la diabetes mellitus
Musculoskeletal complications of diabetes mellitus

Rev. cuba. reumatol; 21 (1), 2019
Introducción: La diabetes se concibe como una enfermedad endocrina y metabólica determinada genéticamente y distinguida por un déficit parcial o total en la secreción de insulina, hormona segregada por las células beta del páncreas. Poco se ha escrito sobre las complicaciones musculoesqueléticas...

El esqueleto como órgano endocrino: funciones metabólicas de la osteocalcina
The skeleton as an endocrine organ: metabolic functions of osteocalcin

Actual. osteol; 13 (3), 2017
El esqueleto es uno de los sistemas más grandes de un vertebrado y, como tal, es razonable especular que no puede funcionar aislado del resto del organismo. De hecho, sabemos que existen sistemas complejos de regulación cruzada entre el esqueleto y muchos otros órganos. Hoy poseemos herramientas que n...

Prevalence of pancreatic autoantibodies in non-diabetic patients with autoimmune thyroid disease and its relation to insulin secretion and glucose tolerance

ABSTRACT Objective We evaluated the prevalence of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA) and tyrosine phosphatase-protein antibodies (IA2A), their titers and their relation to first phase insulin response (FPIR) and glucose tolerance in autoimmune thyroid diseases (ATDs) patients. Subjects and methods Gr...